Chapter 222 - Give Chase: Part One

[ Damon ]

After Gabriel used his vampire mind-control powers on the hunters, they were given a few locations where Aila and Finn may have been taken. Damon was frustrated at the turn of events, but it was better than no location. With his pack warriors in the area, he ended up splitting them into groups to search each site.

Damon thought it might be a wild goose chase, but Gabriel was adamant that Silas and Clint had many contingency plans depending on what would happen at the compound. One thing was for certain though, the hunters did not expect Silas and Robert to be killed.

After a day of already going to two locations, Damon slammed the car door shut behind him, and he hit the steering wheel, almost breaking it.

"Control yourself!" Gabriel snapped as he appeared in the front passenger seat. Once again, the pair were covered in blood from another brutal attack. The only reassurance that word would not get out to the other hunters was that they were sticking to a schedule before they moved.

Chase also confirmed this before climbing into the other car with Kane, Vinnie, and Luther. Damon growled out his frustration and forced back his claws that started to extend again.

"Werewolves.." Gabriel murmured before raising his hands with a smirk after receiving a glare from Damon.

"Aila is not here!" Damon directed his anger at the vampire before turning the key in the ignition.

"There\'s still one more location," Ajax spoke up from the backseat calmly. Damon glanced at him in the rearview mirror and cursed after seeing the shapeshifter sitting there naked. Ajax smirked and grabbed the blanket they brought along with them, and covered up his lower body.

"I am sure she will be there." Gabriel looked out of the window nonchalantly, which pissed off Damon even more. The vampire was meant to be Aila\'s friend, and he acted like they were going on a road trip just to kill a bunch of hunters.

"You judge too quickly," Gabriel responded to Damon\'s thoughts.

"Is that so.." Damon growled as he sped the car up, joining onto the motorway. He didn\'t need to check the speeding car behind him to know that it was Vinnie driving the other black SUV, following them.

They drove for another thirty minutes in silence. Each creature was lost in their own thoughts. Damon\'s tight grip on the steering wheel never faltered. If Aila was not at the next location, he knew he was going to lose his shit. Darius had been very close to the surface of his mind all day, making Damon feel more wolf than man at the moment.

He glanced at the other side of the motorway after he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Gabriel and Ajax also straightened. Before Damon could command Ajax to shift, the window was already open, and the shapeshifter disappeared from view. A car sped past at high speed on the opposite side of the road, swerving in and out of the others dangerously close, followed by three other vehicles.

Damon couldn\'t help but check the sky, and for the black falcon, he knew he would be flying to catch up to the cars and checking to see if Aila was in one of them. His instincts told him she was there, and without questioning his gut feeling, he drove towards the exit, ready to follow those cars.

[ Ajax ]

Ajax flew above and caught up to the car chase. He lowered himself down enough to check to see who was in the car. He didn\'t know who the woman was but one look into the backseat, and he felt his heart almost burst through his chest.

Aila and Finn!

"Finn! Open the window!" He mind-linked the werewolf. Finn straightened in his seated position, startled by Ajax\'s voice before turning his head to the side. It took him a moment to come to terms with a falcon flying by the side of the car.

"Hurry up! This is dangerous for me as well, you know!" Ajax managed to fly around a car in the fast lane before whizzing back and into the now open window. He shifted on the spot and stayed crouched down in front of the back seat. He instantly stilled after seeing the state Aila was in.

She was lying on the backseat, her head in Finn\'s lap, her body covered by a blanket. But not only was she pale and ill-looking, but there were cuts on her face, one deeper on her lips. Ajax stroked her hair-

"What the hell!? Who is this!?"

He halted and looked at the girl driving, who clutched at the steering wheel again after nearly losing control of the car from his appearance. "Finn, who\'s the girl?" He asked quietly before gripping at the front passenger seat for balance from the sudden swerve to the side.

"Sariah, Ajax.. Ajax.. Sariah. She\'s the one that helped us escape."

"Finn mind-link Damon and Kane. Damon should know by now as I haven\'t returned." Ajax ordered and looked out of the window at the three cars catching up. "Sariah, what a lovely name.. I\'d love to get to know you more, but right now, we seem to be in a bit of a pickle! Please say you have weapons?"

Sariah reached her hand out to the side and threw the bag back towards him. Ajax opened it and grinned at the handguns and ammunition packed inside. He started to climb into the front passenger seat but was abruptly yanked back down to the floor again.

"You\'re fricken naked, Ajax. Take my seat. I\'ll go up front," Finn growled. Ajax\'s eyes widened at the fierce expression on Finn\'s features before he grinned back and shrugged.

Finn lifted Aila up slightly, and the shifter and werewolf had to maneuver around awkwardly until Ajax was sitting down in Finn\'s spot. But he instantly crossed his legs and moved Aila around, so she rested her head on the side of the window. He knew it wasn\'t the best spot, but they were speeding in a car being chased by hunters. It was going to be bumpy no matter what position Aila was in.

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