What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 738 - How Dare This Trash Live

Right now I don\'t want to kill this guy anymore. I want to string him up somewhere and use him as a punching bag for at least a week before I start dissecting him and making him eat his own innards.

How dare he even claim to be a God?

If he really was one, then he wouldn\'t be creating such problems for Master!

He even caused the other variations of me to be split into their own bodies! I may look like I\'m handling this as per normal but everything feels weird to me now, you know?

It feels like living in a home where all of your family members suddenly disappeared and you come back home to find all their things still laying around there but the people themselves are gone. Do you know how unsettling that feels? I can\'t even talk to myself inside my head anymore!

I picked up Brendan and retreated away from the room, moving back to the rest of the girls in case he had any more traps in store there.

"Hahaha! Now you\'re running away with your tails between your legs?! Pathetic!" His voice echoed from around us.

"Come on out ya fuckin\' piece of trash! I\'ll break ya neck and wring you like a dirty lil\' rag, ya hear me?!" Bait roared while waving her sword around.

"Hmph! You think I will be goaded by such petty threats? I don\'t even need to come out to fight you when you\'re busy with yourselves!"

The sound of glass shattering filled the space and several figures appeared out of thin air in front of us.

The figures revealed? themselves to be copies of us, all of them sporting a blank look on their face.

I lifted my sword in preparation for a fight but several bolts of golden lightning flashed out and consumed all of the copies in an instant, vaporising them.

I turned back to look at Lian Li dropping her still smoking hand to her side, the golden haired girl looking up into the sky in disdain.

"Was that the best you can do? Pathetic."

"Hmph, don\'t be so proud of yourself just because you can kill some inferior copies. Once I consolidate my new powers, I will be able to create perfect mirrors of you then! No one would be able to tell the two apart!"

Diao Chan rolled her eyes, "And you dare call yourself a \'God\' when you\'re this weak? You\'re an embarrassment."

"You dare mock me?! I\'ll-- Ack!"

Something crashed into the ground several feet in front of us, creating a small crater at the impact zone.

The \'something\' revealed itself to be our target, the piece of trash embedded halfway into the ground..

We shifted our gaze to where he had flown from to see the Matriarch Lunamaeniera and her maid Rina standing there, the Matriarch looking less than pleased.

"You bastard, you are the cause of my current confusion aren\'t you? I keep having the feeling of missing something but I don\'t know what it is. What did you do to me?!"


She must have been affected by the flip as well and no longer remembers Master as her \'husband\'. I\'m surprised she even noticed it considering none of us even suspected anything was amiss. I suppose her experience isn\'t just for show.

The piece of trash tried to get up to his feet but Tsuki moved before he could even get his foot under him.

She grabbed him by both sides of his head and smashed her knee straight into his nose, sending the trash crashing back into the wall of his room.

Even though he was down, Tsuki didn\'t stop and leapt over to him, conjuring up some kind of spike made out of shadows that she used to impale the guy through his torso without mercy.

Just for good measure, she made sure to twist the spike as well, not minding the blood splatters that decorated her surroundings.

The trash grasped onto the spike, trying and failing to say something before his body went limp.

Elaria then went up beside Master\'s little sister from another world, summoning some sort of small weapon into her hand.

Tsuki raised an eyebrow at her, "A Desert Eagle? What else do you carry around with you? I won\'t even be surprised if you\'ve got a tank in there at this point."

Elaria stuck her tongue out at her before pointing the weapon at the trash, shooting it at the already dead boy in between his eyes.

The rest of us joined up with the little sisters to inspect the trash. I noted the small hole in his forehead with mild interest, the wound most likely caused by Elaria\'s weapon.

All of us waited for something to happen since, all things considered, we still killed the trash pretty easily which was a little suspicious.

The Matriarch made her way to the dead trash with her maid by her side, "So… What was all this about?"

Diao Chan turned to her, "Are you not back to normal yet?"

She crossed her arms, "If \'normal\' is me being confused about having fantasies about a wife I don\'t remember getting then yes. If not, then obviously not."

"Hmm… Maybe killing him does not restore us back to normal," I suggested, looking at the dead body. "We might need to consult with Master about this."

And of course, at that moment the piece of trash\'s voice echoed around us again, "Ahahaha! I already told you I\'m God here! Did you think I can be killed so easily?!"

All of us immediately went on alert, forming a circle with our backs facing each other to search for him.

"This bastard… What do we need to do to get rid of him?" Lian Li asked aloud.

Diao Chan cracked her knuckles, "I don\'t know, but I know if I do get my hands on him, I\'ll make him go through every single level of hell imaginable before giving him to Delta to play with."

"Don\'t you have like… I don\'t know… A Spell that you can use for this?" Brendan suggested.

The Witch turned to scowl at him, "I can ask the same thing of you. Don\'t you have a potion that you can use for this too?"


The trash laughed out loud again, "Oh you don\'t have to worry about me. While you were all busy with the mirror fakes I created here, I\'ve already made my way to my dear Master Lin\'s courtyard. All I need to do is to make the right changes to him and he will be mine and mine alone!! What can? you do when Master Lin prefers me over everyone else?"

This bastard!

"For someone as Godly as you claim to be, it\'s pathetic that you have to resort to such petty tricks," I taunted.

"Ha! Say all you want, but I know if Master Lin tells all of you to get lost, you would do so without hesitation! So all I need to do is get him to hate all of you!"

His laughter receded into the distance, no doubt heading back towards Master\'s courtyard.

If he were to go disturb Master now, it\'ll just show Master how incompetent we are! There\'s no way we can allow that!!

We have to get back before he does anything strange to Master!

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