How I Became the Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 128 - The Anomalous Dungeon V

"Well, Well, Well. Someone\'s been having too much fun." Volk smiled looking at the bloodshed and dead carcases of mutated trolls laying all over the battlefield.

He thought to himself, how powerful could this prodigy A rank Hunter be, that he managed to make a familiar contract with 2 S rank beasts and clear an army of trolls all by himself, without reinforcements. Even he would have a hard time fighting that many numbers. 

\'Truly frightening.\'

He sprinted past the countless piles of bodies and large crater in the ground.

\'What kind of destructive spell could make this crater? Is this guy a monster?\' Volk gulped looking at the crater to his left. It looked like a tiny meteor had smashed into the ground from above, wiping out 50 or more trolls.

\'There.\' Volk could finally feel the clash of mana a couple hundred metres down but when he had arrived at the site of battle, his eyes widened in amazement. 

This fight, it was nothing like he had ever seen before. The conjoined Mutated S rank Boss was extremely powerful, he had never seen such a powerful beast, but a kid was fighting it off. 

Volk was stunned, he never thought he\'d see something as fascinating as this. A smile stretched across his face from ear to ear as his blood pumped with excitement. The fast paced battle and exchange of blows was igniting the fighting spirit in him that had been dormant for so long.

When was the last time he had faced a powerful opponent? His previous dungeon was also a disappointment so this was a blessing from God in his eyes. 

"This is what I\'m talking about!" He roared, leaping up and throwing his \'Epic\' Rated Flame Axe at the beast. 

It roared in pain as Blazing flames exploded from its body igniting the beast into a torch. 

"Reinforcements have arrived. Rank 11 S Rank Hunter, Volk Kaiser at your service." He landed next to Zeref, flashing him a smile. He watched as Zeref and his 2 familiars looked at him in distaste. Was his entry not cool enough?

And the Highly praised A runk Hunter was a kid? He was a bit taken aback by the sudden reveal.


-Back to Zeref\'s POV-

I asked for reinforcements and they sent me one guy. 

\'This guy looks like a doofus.\' Voad commented, making me smile in agreement.

"Why are you looking at me like that eyepatch?" Volk queried, but I ignored his question and averted my attention to the Dungeon Boss, who had just recovered. 

Voad had warned me that Volk was coming towards us to help, so I put on my eyepatch in time.

"Do you think you could take this thing by yourself?" I asked.

"Probably, but this one looks powerful," he replied, licking his lips. Nice another battle freak.

\'Dianmu, Numen how much mana do you guys have left? I have just below 20% left and I\'m fatigued. I was planning on leaving one of you here to support him and finish off the Boss whilst I went into the dungeon,through the portal and cleared it.\' Spoke through our mental link.

\'I\'ll stay, you and Dianmu should go. This new guy looks powerful enough. As much as I hate working with humans, I think I can work with this guy.\' Numen nodded. 

We all exchanged brief nods before splitting up.

"Wait, where are you going kid?" Volk yelled.

"You and Numen will take care of the boss, I\'m going to clear the dungeon and shut off the portal before more of them come out." I replied, jumping into the portal with Dianmu.

[You have entered a Red Portal]

As soon as I exited with Dianmu, New notifications popped into my view. 

[You are unable to exit till the dungeon is cleared]

[Time Limit: 1 Hour]

\'That\'s new.\' Voadhailis\'s thoughts matched mine. This dungeon was completely different to the one I cleared before. 

[New Quest: Kill all of the remaining trolls!]

[Rewards: Instant Level up x 3!]

[Consequence(s): Unable to leave the Dungeon ]

Expanding my sixth sense, I scanned past the darkness and spotted 2 large doors at the end. This dungeon had 4 floors, The Dungeon Boss would have normally been in the fourth one but it was already outside the Dungeon, fighting Volk and Numen. 

The Female Mutated Trolls were on the third floor; we would have to hurry and kill them off. I could also sense a couple trolls still left on the second floor. I could rely on  Dianmu to be the damage dealer, whilst I finished them off.

"Are we moving or not?" Dianmu questioned.

"Let\'s move." I said, breaking into a sprint. She followed behind me, sticking close. Taking off my eyepatch my vision increased and I could see through the dark. This pathway was surprisingly empty; most of the trolls had already been massacred anyway.

Kicking the 2 doors open, a burst of light engulfed us. We were in a different terrain now: A forest. How big was this dungeon?

"This floor looks big." Dianmu commented. The trees were colossal in size, standing at least at 150 Metres in height and 4 Metres in diameter. That just begged the question. How big were the trolls that were inhabiting this floor?

The breaking of twigs and bustling of bushes made Dianmu and I prepare for battle. 

"Who the hell are you ants?!" A 50 Metre Cyclops appeared into our view roaring. It pulled out a club from its back and a shield charging towards us.

\'Ice Lances!\'

I conjured multiple Ice lances throwing them towards the large beast. This thing was at least S rank.

  [Name: Mutated Cyclops (Troll Family)]

  [Level: 72]

  [Mana pool stage: 3]

  [Strengths: Immense Power, High Durability/Defense, Immune to Fire Magic]

  [Weaknesses: Lightning Magic, Light Magic, Aerial attacks.]

Great. This was going to be a tough one. The ice spears bounced off its tough skin, shattering into small glass pieces. It roared in annoyance, swinging its club down with force.

Both Dianmu and I leapt back, successfully dodging the blow.

Crack! Crack!

A large spider web of cracks spiraled outwards from the epicentre of the attack, toppling over several trees.

\'So what\'s the plan?\' Dianmu questioned through our mental link. 

\'It\'s weak against lightning Magic so you\'re going to have to be the damage dealer. I have very little mana left. I\'ll aim for its head to kill it quickly. Just deal damage and weaken it.\' I ordered. 

Dianmu nodded, pulling out her Golden Staff. She swirled it round in the air, causing thunderclouds to form above us in the artificial blue sky. 

The Cyclops began running towards her but I distracted it by circling round it Throwing small Ice spears. Ice Magic required the least amount of magic, so I was being efficient. 

With a single swing of Dianmu\'s Golden staff, A powerful thunderbolt struck down on the Cyclops making it roar in agony. 

I watched as the millions of volts of electricity made its irises go white. It stumbled a little but regained its balance, shaking its head. 

\'Voadhailis, Cambio Forma.\'

Once I felt the hilts of my shortswords materialize, I blitzed towards the cyclops, spiraling up its leg till I reached its neck. 

Imbuing both blades in mana, I sliced horizontally with force. A fountain of blood poured out from the headless body, staining the forest floor. Its body dropped with a thud, shaking the ground and trees around it.

[You have earned 20,000 EXP for killing a Mutated Cyclops!]

That was one down. 5 more to go…


[Time Left: 5 Min 49 Seconds.]

Wiping off the sweat from my forehead, I took deep breaths. I stepped over the bodies towards the portal that had opened up - our exit out of the dungeon.

"Do you want a hand? You look like you\'re gonna drop any minute." Dianmu offered.

She was right. I had been fighting non-stop. It felt like my eyes would close any minute.

"Fine." I accepted her help, letting my arm rest around her shoulder as she held me up. We both exited through the portal. We had managed to clear the dungeon with minimal difficulty; only the trolls gave us a hard time but we did end up clearing it. 

As we exited the portal, countless heads looked over at our direction. It seemed that more reinforcements were sent to aid in the clean up of the aftermath. 

[Congratulations! You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You are now Level 99!]

[Total Available Stat Points: 70]

It was odd, I couldn\'t see Volk anywhere. Most of the people there were working on removing the dead bodies of the trolls and others were helping with the rebuilding of the town. 

Numen had also returned back to the Magic Forest in the east to rest up.

"You\'re back!" I spotted the Director from the side of my eye. He came my way, patting me on my back. 

\'I\'ll be taking my leave then. Make sure you rest well.\' Dianmu spoke through our mind link. She gave me a brief nod, before a thunderbolt struck her position from the sky and she disappeared.

"Was that a Thunderbird? Is she your familiar?" The Old man asked ecstatically, looking up at the sky, trying to look for her, "How many Familiars do you have? Even the Forest King, who helped Volk kill the Dungeon Boss was your familiar."

"I have 2 Familiars." I replied, sighing. 

"I still don\'t know how you did it. Jason reported that you took care of 3 S rank beasts all by yourself. Right after that you took care of an army of  Mutated Trolls and cleared the dungeon too. You\'re a monster! We\'re going to have to re-evaluate your ranking." he laughed, grabbing onto my shoulder. He must have been in a happy mood, I did just save his Association\'s reputation.

"Something odd happened, while you were fighting. Our sensory mages couldn\'t broadcast or see over your battles. Something powerful was interfering with their magic. Did you see or spot anything weird other than the mana beasts?"

\'Say no. I made sure to block those mages, so they wouldn\'t be able to see your transformations and strength.\' Voadhailis advised.

"No. Not really. Anyways, Director, I\'ve had a long day. I\'ll talk to you another time; it\'s also getting late, I\'m going to head home." I smiled at him through my fatigue.

He returned my smile, nodding in understanding. Shaking hands, we said our goodbyes, before I opened up a blue portal to my mansion.

I really needed a break…

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