The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 257 - Outstanding Move

(Lan Xiao Su\'s Perspective)

"Hey," the familiar newcomer said, winking in a flirtarious manner. He didn\'t have his usual mask on, and his usual cold and introverted personality was also nowhere to be seen. He appeared to have gotten here in a rush, his black hair disheveled and messy, possibly from running against the wind. 

"You look fine, girl, wanna hang out?" he continued, forcibly pushing the poor woman away from us.

Feng Mian and I dropped our jaws, just as the woman screamed in surprise.

X-X-Xuan Kai?

Yep. No doubt about it - the flirty playboy in front of us right now was none other than the Xuan Kai all the girls around him have a crush on. The same cold and ruthless person who has killed over a hundred people now, and the same boy who is hellbent on getting revenge for his parents.

Feng Mian and I were both thinking the exact same thing right now.

What. The. Hell?!

All of this happened in an instant, and it took everyone on scene a moment to process what was going on. After the woman screamed out of shock, the guards immediately reacted, quickly moving to pry Xuan Kai off of the poor woman. In doing so, however, their full attention was now directed at this issue, leaving the door wide open.

Feng Mian and I snapped back to our senses, and we quickly moved, dashing into the building at once. The automatic doors slid open and closed, with no one but the midnight breeze as a witness.

Once we were inside, out of the corner of my eye, I could see Xuan Kai, still trying to hold on to the woman in order to buy as much time for us as possible.

Ah...he\'s doing so much for us...

Feng Mian seemed to be thinking the same thing, as she looked at him too. her eyes...there was a hint of jealousy behind the gratitude?

Erm...I guess I can understand. It would be a lie if I said I wasn\'t a little bit jealous as well - Xuan Kai would never throw himself towards us like he did just now with that random woman, after all. Even though we wouldn\'t mind at all...

In any case, Feng Mian and I realized we still had a mission to complete, so we carried on, moving quickly now that no guards were present. We still kept the cloak on though, just in case there were security cameras.

Haha, who am I kidding...there are definitely security cameras.

But worry not, Xuan Kai! Your sacrifice will not be in vain!


- Meanwhile, Outside the Ross Estate -

(Xuan Kai\'s Perspective)

"Really? You don\'t want to hang out with me?!" I shouted in shock, putting on the best act I could.

"No! I don\'t even know you, you crazy son of a bitch!" the woman I had latched on to screamed back.

I was currently being constrained by two beefy guards, who had me pinned down to the ground. In reality, I could probably take both of them on at the same time, having trained my physical body to the limits, but since I started this act, I was going to finish it.

"Urgh..." I grumbled.

"And you! The guards! You two are so useless!" the woman continued, seething with anger. "What are we paying you for?! Ugh, I\'ll get you both fired!"

"M-Ma\'am, please calm dow-" one of the guards tried to speak calmly to the woman.

Sorry pal, when a girl is mad, nothing can get through to them. You\'re just wasting your breath.

Trust me, I know.


Uh...personal experience.

"Huh?! Calm down?! Would you be able to calm down if a disgusting pervert leaped out of nowhere and grabbed onto your shoulder?!" the woman yelled in response, having completely lost all sense of reason.

"E-Er, no, but-" the other guard said, trying to calm the woman down just like his partner.

"Then just shut up and wait for your termination letters!" the woman interrupted rudely once more.

Ahaha....this is quite amusing. Wait, how am I going to get out of here?

With that, the woman left the scene, cursing at me every step of the way.

After she left, I prepared to fight back against the guards pinning me down, but to my surprise, the two of them both just loosened their grip on me on their own. 

I stood up, confused, and looked at them.

"Why\'d you let me go?" I asked, brushing off the dust on my hoodie. For the purpose of appearing like a hoodlum, I had purposely taken off my cloak and left it in Qing Yue\'s care beforehand, just to ensure this distraction mission went smoothly.

"Hmph. We hate that woman, that\'s why..." one of the guards snorted. "And you\'re lucky we do."

I frowned. "Why do you hate her?"

"That woman\'s name is Cai Hua," the other guard replied. "She only got into this place by flirting with the CEO, who\'s fallen head over heels for her. Now, that bitch has a high position, and does whatever the hell she wants within the company. If you bribe her somehow and she likes you, you can stay. If she doesn\'t, you get fired - just like you saw a moment ago."

I patted the guards\' shoulders. "Damn. There\'s no point staying in a corrupt company like this one, anyways. Best of luck to both of you, finding a job worthy of you. And...thanks, letting me go."

Because things may have turned ugly if you didn\'t. For you.

But of course, I left that part out, since I didn\'t want to ruin the nice and wholesome atmosphere going on right now, like a nice talk over drinks between long-time homies.

The guards nodded at me. "Thanks for the encouragement bro. Good luck with whatever it is you were doing as well."

I chuckled. "Can\'t you tell? I\'m just a random pervert, latching on to beautiful girls whenever I see one. You sure you wanna wish me good luck on that? I mean, I\'ll take the blessing, but..."

The guards laughed in unison. "Kid, we aren\'t stupid. We could tell immediately you aren\'t just any pervert on the streets. For one, perverts wouldn\'t come into the Fortress to do their thing. And for two, your movements are far too precise and fast to be an untrained worthless trash. It\'s clear you were acting, but we won\'t ask why. Every man has his secrets, after all."

Huh. They\'re smarter than I not just your average muscleheads.

But then again, they did fall for my trick so easily, and let Feng Mian and Xiao Su through the maybe they are just your average muscleheads. Just slightly better than other average muscleheads. Not exactly a great feat, though.

With that, I parted ways with the guards, and returned to where I left the girls, in a patch of bushes near the side of the Ross Estate. 

"Welcome back, Big Brother Xuan Kai!" Qing Yue exclaimed, diving into my arms.

" put on quite the show," Yu An Yan giggled.

I averted my gaze. "Listen - that was just a one-time thing. I couldn\'t think of a better immediate distraction. Now - where\'s my cloak, Qing Yue?"

"Right here," Qing Yue said, handing me my cloak, now neatly folded.

"Y\' didn\'t have to fold this...I\'m going to wear it now anyways," I murmured.

"Yeah, but I just liked the feeling of folding Big Brother Xuan Kai\'s clothes, heehee~" Qing Yue replied giddily, tilting her head from left to right, attempting to be a cat.

Meanwhile, the  real  cat was staring at an artificial river of some kind, on the right side of the Ross Estate, a little distance from where we were.

" she doing?" I asked, directing my gaze towards said cat - Amane.

"Oh, she\'s been looking around for something over there ever since you left," Xiang Peng said. "I don\'t know what it is, though."

I frowned and walked over to Amane. "Uh...hey. What are you doing?"

She seemed startled, and flinched, before turning around immediately to face me. "Nya! Xuwan Kwai! You\'re bwack!"

She leaped into my arms, much to the dismay of the other girls behind us.

"Uh...yeah, but what were you doing just now?" I asked, patting her head softly as she purred in my arms.

"Looking fur fishies!" Amane exclaimed excitedly, pointing into the water. "I  love  fishies, meow!"

I pointed at the \'river\'. "Uh...Amane, that\'s not a real river. There aren\'t any fish in there..."

"Eh?" she tilted her head, and blinked her bright pink eyes a few times.

"Yeah..." I continued awkwardly. "If you want fish, we can eat some tomorrow or something..."

She seemed disappointed, and looked back at the river. "Nya..."

I led her back to the other girls, and together, we waited for Lan Xiao Su and Feng Mian to return from their scouting mission.

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