The Primal Hunter

Chapter 488 - The Faint Line Between The Virtual & Reality

There was potential. Jake nodded at the system’s answer as he asked to clarify: “What kind of limitations may apply? And what do we need to do to make it happen?”

The system entity answered as monotone as ever: “Limitations include absolute separation from the material realm and interacting with other entities, limiting the transferred simulacrum to the Truesoul. All expression must be made through an inanimate Soulbound object. Requirements to facilitate this process include a vessel able to house the transferred simulacrum as well as expenditure of all other material Path of Myriad Choices event rewards.”

“That is the name of the event?” sim-Jake asked. “A bit on the nose.”

“Oh, it totally is,” Jake agreed as he regarded the system entity again. “Do I have a vessel able to house the simulacrum?”


“Not even this?” Jake asked as he pulled out Eternal Hunger. That had to be good enough, right?


“Okay, then this!” Jake tried as he spat out the Root of Eternal Resentment from his internal storage using Palate of the Malefic Viper, getting a weird look. He had confidence this item could be used, it had housed a curse and was meant to house energy, so surely-

“Negative. An incompatible vessel will result in destruction, alteration, or complete erasure of the simulacrum as well as the vessel. A unique vessel created to facilitate the process is required,” the system answered.

“Do I possess enough Tutorial Points to create such a vessel?” sim-Jake asked. “Also, is it possible to elaborate on these limitations? What does it mean that I will be limited to the Truesoul?”

“All rewards given by Tutorial Points within the simulation are limited to the simulation, and no reward given can be transferred or persist within the true world. Limitations result in absolute non-interactability with the world, with the simulacrum permanently confined to the Soulspace. The simulacrum’s existence shall remain permanently tied to the simulation to ensure continued autonomous existence. As such, the simulacrum will continue to exist as a simulacrum only viewable and detectable by Origin.”

Sim-Jake looked in thought a bit. “Okay, I am just confused now.”

“Wait,” the real Jake said. “Will it mean he more or less is just what I am now, but in the real world? As in, he will be a silent and undetectable observer to everyone that isn’t me? Like, we turn the situation one-eighty?”

“Interpretation acceptable. Limited manifestation outside of Soulspace potentially possible but will remain detectable only to the Origin and remain non-interactive with the world,” the system answered.

“Huh,” sim-Jake said with a frown. “So I will just be… what? Unable to do anything?”

“Simulacrum will have free movement and interactability within the Soulspace,” the system answered.

“Guess it is about time I ask… what is this Soulspace?” sim-Jake asked, clearly not happy to admit he didn’t know.

“Like, a world inside the soul? I am not entirely sure how it works, but I can meditate and enter there and have trapped energies within, including an ancient curse that could probably destroy the planet. Definitely could destroy the planet,” Jake explained nonchalantly.

“Sounds like you have had quite the fun so far, huh?” sim-Jake smiled. “But I guess any option is better than just dying. Because the alternative is dying. I can’t see myself living within a virtual world I know only exists because I do… it would make it all feel so utterly pointless knowing nothing I do is real. No, rather have a small impact on reality than dominate a fantasy.”

Jake just nodded in understanding. While experiencing a simulation temporarily would be fine, knowing that nothing you ever did would carry over had to be hell. It was a perfect case of “ignorance is bliss,” and once the veil had been lifted, there was no going back.

“Besides,” sim-Jake added. “We are the same person. So me helping you is helping myself in every sense of the word, isn’t it? Also... if I do get transferred into an item of some sort, it won’t be permanent, will it?”

The last part was addressed to the system, which confirmed his question. “Resonance and equilibrium may eventually be reached, making the simulacrum and Origin one.”

“Hear that?” sim-Jake smiled. “Who knows, I may even be able to take over your mind and become the real version?”

“Isn’t it more like we will eventually just be so similar in every way a natural fusion kind of just happens?” Jake asked, looking at the system.


Jake and the simulacrum nodded in sync. Neither truly understood but were still guessing. All Jake knew was that sim-Jake was looking for some sort of Path to survive, and Jake wanted to help himself – his other self - and potentially even benefit from it.

“Alright. What kind of vessel is required to store the simulacrum?”

“Vessel must originate from the original universe yet contain innate ties to specific virtual universe. The vessel must meet parameters, including, but not limited to, durability, storage ability, non-attuned, energy signature resonance, Record-compatibility, and Origin-compatibility,” the system entity answered.

“Wait, will I be able to transform any of my items into a compatible one?” Jake just asked with a bit of hope.


Jake and sim-Jake threw each other a look as his simulacrum groaned. “So we just had this entire shitty conversation to say that I am fucked either way?”

Frowning too, Jake considered a bit more as he got an idea.

“You got two purchases left, right?” Jake asked.


“Hm. Hey Guide, when will the Path of Myriad Choices end for me?” he asked the system.

“Due to developments within the simulation, the final scene is currently being displayed,” it answered.

“And if I leave here, will I ever be able to go back so-to-say? As in, could I go back and get my simulacrum out later.”


“But not impossible,” Jake murmured. “If my simulacrum does leave with me to the original universe, what will happen to the simulation?”

“Simulation shall persist as long as simulacrum remains.”

“Huh,” Jake considered again.

“What are you fishing for?” sim-Jake asked.

“I am getting here,” Jake said dismissively. “I happen to be buddies with a god who loves semi-breaking or at least bending the rules of the system a bit, and I guess it rubbed off. Guide, the rewards of the system event are based on the performance of the simulacrum during the simulation, correct?”

The system confirmed.

“Alright then. Do these rewards include physical items?”

“Potentially,” it just answered.

“Okay… considering this is the final scene, are the rewards already calculated, and how will they be given?”

“All rewards will be given and calculated only at the conclusion of the event,” the system confirmed once more.

Jake just smiled.

“Hey… for the fourth purchase, how about you buy that your performance will award me a compatible vessel?” he asked him simulacrum.

“No fucking way that works,” he shook his head and turned to the system entity. “Does it work?”

The system paused for a moment. “Partial consumption of Path of Myriad Choices event reward required.”

Sim-Jake froze for a moment as he looked at Jake.

Jake just nodded. “Can the fifth purchase then be for the Records of the simulacrum to temporarily be safely stored within my Soulspace to then be transferred to the vessel upon exit? Without causing any harm to him, that is?”

Once more, it paused for a moment. “Partial consumption of Path of Myriad Choices event reward required. Requires total temporal suspension to facilitate effect. Acceptable.”

“Do I have enough Tutorial Points for these two?” sim-Jake asked with concern.

“Vessel can be adjusted to minimum requirements, allowing the process.”

Sim-Jake just stared for a moment. “I truly have no idea what the hell we are doing here or why this is even allowed. It feels like we are somehow cheating the system and using an exploit or something, which makes no fucking sense if the system is supposed to be omnipotent.”

Jake shrugged. “Eh… listen. Think about it like this, why are we allowed to do this? Talk like this? This is all due to how you performed during the simulation. Your actions led to this possible outcome. If you hadn’t dominated the tutorial and hadn’t become aware of me and done as you did now, it wouldn’t have happened. Remember, we are still in the simulation right now, and even this conversation is part of the event. So… in some ways, isn’t it pretty normal to reward a simulacrum, becoming aware it is in a simulation, with a way to somehow find a way to break out of the simulation? For the system to not at least leave a Path? So… yeah. It is allowing this to happen and is within expectations.”

Sim-Jake tossed the system entity a look. “I guess that makes sense… would also explain why the hell nothing has happened despite the time for this Tutorial Store thing having elapsed.”

“Yep,” Jake agreed despite not actually knowing. He did recognize the absurdity of the situation that sim-Jake pointed out, but he also vehemently believed in what he had said. The system clearly facilitated these sorts of things to happen. It allowed sim-Jake to be an autonomous person, and thus Jake also believed it would allow him a Path as a reward for his performance. A true Path that he so desired.

“So, to summarize, I will be transformed into a form suitable to be transplanted into an item and deposited into your – our – Truesoul, suspended in time to not disperse and forcefully remerge with the Truesoul and stay me. Then this event will end, you will be rewarded an item I can merge into, and you will do that fast as fuck before I cease to exist. I got that right?” sim-Jake asked clarifyingly.

“I think that about sums it up,” Jake confirmed.

“And, just to be clear, you have never done anything like this before, right? Has anyone?” Jake asked. The last part was addressed to the system entity.

“Yes,” it answered. “Prior divergent simulacriums have appeared and through contact with their Origin merged into the true multiverse.”

“Alright, so only semi-uncharted territory. You confident?” sim-Jake asked Jake.

“Believe it or not, yeah, I am. I have to be,” Jake answered.

Sim-Jake finally sighed. “Aight… let’s get this show on the road. If I don’t make it… never mind. You already know.”

Jake smiled. “Let’s go.”

“For my fourth purchase…

The last two purchases were made. One to make sim-Jake into something capable of surviving the transfer and one to make sure Jake got something to transfer him into. With that, the scene finally ended, and Jake got a few notifications as he appeared in the white room, but he didn’t pay them any mind.

As he appeared, so did a new item appear in his inventory. It was a black bone-like item, and Jake instantly took it out and did a quick Identify.

[Bone of the Virtual Gap (Unique)] – A bone created from a human rib belonging to a world that exists yet does not. Specifically made to house the simulacrum of Jake Thayne.Requirements: Soulbound.

Having confirmed, Jake entered Serene Soul Meditation as he appeared in his Soulspace. The moment he did, he saw the distorted human form of pure energy. It looked halfway broken. Jake knew this was because it wasn’t meant to exist and was only held together due to the direct interference of the system.

Jake got to work as he controlled his Soulspace. In the outside world, he sat in meditation with the bone in his hands while he in the Soulspace forcefully collected every single fragment of the Records that had been sim-Jake.

Gritting his teeth, he focused as he knew sim-Jake would only stay together for that long. At the same time, he felt the energy itself almost move to help him. It wanted to be gathered and become one again. The energy that was the simulacrum resonated with the Soulspace itself as he felt everything pulse. With focus, he began collecting faster than before. Soon enough, a foot appeared, then a leg, two legs, a torso, arms, and finally a head. This version of sim-Jake was slightly different than the simulacrum from before but also wasn’t a copy of Jake himself. It was instead more like sim-Jake having undergone his D-grade evolution.

When the full form was collected, Jake moved on to the next stage. A black bone appeared in his hand, and Jake did not hesitate the stab the human form in front of him right in the heart, letting the bone sink in deep and take the place of one of the ribs. At the same time, he began infusing the bone in the outside world. He had done something similar with Eternal Hunger, and frankly, this was far easier. Sim-Jake was primed already, and rather than fighting him like the curse energy had when he made Eternal Hunger, this energy actively wanted to work with him. Almost as if it had an instinct of its own.

Throughout this process, he poured energy into the bone and established a connection between the two. The bone would serve as an anchor to the world as it still existed partially in the virtual simulation. Some parts of sim-Jake had to always exist there, or he would cease to be a simulacrum and thus his own person.

This entire merging process was complicated, but out of everyone in D-grade, Jake was probably one of the best. Not only had he made Eternal Hunger, but he had consumed and slowly absorbed knowledge from the Root of Eternal Resentment for a long-ass time and had learned close to everything he could about it. The Root was a marvel when it came to all kinds of energy, and Jake was certain that if it wasn’t because of the peculiarity of the simulation, it would have worked. In every sense of the world, it was a top-class natural treasure when it came to energy transference and storage.

As he pressed on, Jake felt the temporal suspension applied to sim-Jake about to wear out. It was clear that while the system had allowed this entire ridiculous situation to happen, it would not do it for them. If he fucked up, sim-Jake would simply disperse and become one with Jake. All this would do was probably just add some Records with unknown effects later down the line… perhaps just adding a skill option or two, something he obviously didn’t want.

Stabilize,Jake thought as sim-Jake’s body was fully assembled. It looked complete, and the bone had completely merged with his body. Jake gritted his teeth as suddenly the temporal suspension completely expired and something went wrong. The arm of sim-Jake suddenly disappeared, and his entire body turned transparent and began leaking.

“Fuck,” Jake muttered as he pushed his Willpower to the extreme. A barrier of pure arcane mana covered a huge portion of his Soulspace as he compressed it together to keep the energy in. To his relief, the dispersing energy that was about to be reabsorbed by the Soulspace was slowed down, and he managed to force back most of it.

His entire Soulspace began shaking as he expanded the barrier even more to try and put back all he could. Every piece of Records had to be there, or sim-Jake would not be sim-Jake. In the outside world, blood began dripping out of his nose as he strained every fiber of his being.

Finally, something fell into place. The energy that had begun dispersing collected once more and formed around sim-Jake, but… some had been lost. His body was slightly transparent compared to before, and Jake cursed himself inwardly. There was no more energy to collect as the entire Soulspace fell still. Nothing happened as Jake stared at the figure that still had his eyes closed, yet to wake up. It was stable… but what the hell did that help if what he had made was just an empty husk of a simulacrum?

“Come on, man… don’t let this all be a waste.”

Jake stood nervously as suddenly the figure in front of him opened his eyes. Yet what Jake saw was not the gaze of sim-Jake but something far more… primal. The figure moved before Jake could react, and the next thing he knew, his arm was gone. Yet he did not react as his danger sense had yet to make even a single peep.

The arm reappeared instantly as he was within the Soulspace. The arm taken by the simulacrum was absorbed into the figure as his body rapidly turned far more corporal. Jake stared as he understood.

“It replaced the Records with mine…”

One had to remember that Jake and sim-Jake shared a huge percentage of their Records. All that was innate to them was shared… and it appeared that when some were lost earlier, it was parts that could be replaced.

Jake smiled as the simulacrum blinked, and he finally saw familiar eyes.

“Welcome to our Soulspace.”

Sim-Jake stared a bit at his hands as he clenched his fist. He looked up at Jake as he smiled. “Is this where I declare my intent to take over your mind and become the true owner of our body?”

“Sure, just after I throw you into a trashcan,” Jake joked back as he was inwardly incredibly relieved. He felt the same relief from his simulacrum but did notice something else.

A bit of knowledge had appeared in his head… and a few memories he did not quite recognize as his own, even if they did feel like his own. His simulacrum also seemed to have noticed.

They both looked at each other with understanding.

This entire thing was temporary… they were one, after all. As time passed, they would slowly meld into one another until one day, there would only be one Jake left in the Soulspace. A bit had already leaked during the formation, and chances are it would continue to, had there been issues with the process or not. Of course, this led to the question: who would he become? The original? Sim-Jake, if he managed to somehow exert influence?

Or was it a question that didn’t even matter, as there was no him or me? Perhaps they were naught but two parallel Paths that had briefly split up after making a choice and would always one day rejoin to form their true Path.

The Path of the Primal Hunter.

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