The Primal Hunter

Chapter 518 - Equipment For Him & Her

Jake had a confession. He had never actually been shopping with a girl before in his life. Well, besides with his mom, but that wasn’t really shopping together but more going shopping at the same place separately. Even when he had a girlfriend, it had never happened. Perhaps another indicator of how poor that relationship had actually been.

This meant he really didn’t know how this sort of thing usually went down. Like, what was he supposed to do? Just follow along? Should he wait outside? As he was utterly clueless, he chose to simply follow the incubus as that guy seemed confident in what customs were. Meira looked as clueless as he as she had likely never actually gone clothes shopping due to her life before coming to the Order, making them both absolute newbies.

The incubus led the two of them into a private room. It was as lavish as every other place Jake had seen in the establishment, but the entire room was a bit off compared to what Jake had expected. It was large and had a few couches, with a mannequin as a centerpiece. That part was semi-normal, but Jake had no idea why the hell there was a king-sized bed in the room. It gave him a bad feeling, but he tried to explain it away. Probably just doubles as a hotel or something.

He knew he was just grasping for straws, and his final attempt to deny he had gone somewhere very unplanned was shot down the very next moment.

“Considering it is your first visit, let us start out light,” the incubus said as “clothes” were summoned on the mannequin. He used the words clothes very loosely as there wasn’t a lot of it. What was displayed was a mini-dress with a few crucial parts missing, especially in the chest region.

Jake just stared as Meira turned red like a tomato.

“Basic, yet irresistible in its simplicity. This one is a very popular item amongst humans and elves alike, so what say you? If you want to, you are even allowed to test out some of the items we offer in the room provided, but you must buy them if anything gets damaged,” the incubus said with a polite smile.

“…If Lord Thayne wants me to…” Meira said in an almost whispering voice before Jake spoke up.

“Big misunderstanding!” Jake exclaimed. “Huge one. We are not like that at all and came for actual equipment, not… this. You know, things that give stats and stuff and help when something attacks you.”

The incubus seemed taken aback at what Jake said and asked clarifyingly: “You were referred by Irinixis, though? I apologize if there is any confusion, but we deal not in armor but equipment with quite a different use– one I dare claim just as important as combat.”

“Not questioning that, just saying it isn’t what we came looking for,” Jake quickly said. “I apologize for wasting your time.”

“No worries, young man,” the incubus said unbothered. “If you change your mind, you are free to visit once more. Both of you. Now, if you are looking for equipment for the young lady, may I ask what type? What does she specialize in?”

“Healer and alchemist,” Jake answered, happy that the incubus didn’t make a bigger deal out of the awkward situation than he needed to.

“In that case, I can recommend a quaint little store just down the street run by a friend of mine,” the incubus offered as he waved his hand and displayed a magical 3D map.

Jake recognized it instantly as one of the stores Irin had also recommended, making him clarify: “Just to make sure, they just sell normal equipment, right? Gear for the battlefield, you know.”

“They do indeed, though I would once more argue that the battlefield of the bedroom is one often too neglected,” the incubus said semi-jokingly.

Jake didn’t comment on it but just excused himself once more as they left, getting a few light jabs on the way out and stares from other patrons who no doubt made assumptions about the human and elf exiting a private room. Once they were outside on the street, Jake couldn’t help but joke with Meira a bit to relieve the tension. “Well, that was a screw-up. Sorry for that; we’re never going back there, that is for sure.”

“Yeah…” Meira nodded. He felt like she almost seemed disappointed, proof that he still wasn’t that good at reading social cues sometimes. Not paying it any mind, Jake and Meira headed to the second shop. It was a lot smaller than the establishment they had just been in and also had a lot less traffic.

It was small and quaint, with only a single story, and Jake and Meira headed inside right away. It was just as small and homey inside as it was from the outside, and it had fabric stacked on shelves all around. Jake had been in a few tailor shops in his life, and this one sure fit the bill.

He had already seen the one person in the store through his sphere, and she also noticed him and Meira when they entered. A small dwarf came out of the backroom with a smile a few seconds later and greeted them. “Ah, welcome! What can I do for the lad and lassie?”

Jake briefly scanned her and took note that she was C-grade. Contrary to other dwarves he had met, she was wearing a light dress and was far from as bulky. Still bulky by human standards, but probably considered a stick by dwarf standards.

“I need some equipment,” Meira said. It was something they had talked about while going there – that Meira needed to ask for herself. Jake thought it was awkward to act like he was out shopping with a kid who couldn’t speak for herself on what she wanted. He knew it was because Meira didn’t want to actually decide what to get as Jake was paying, but he hoped he had put those doubts to rest.

“What for?” the tailor asked as she looked Meira up and down. Mostly up, considering the height difference.

“Uhm, everyday stuff and probably some fighting, I think…” Meira said, looking at Jake.

The dwarf nodded as she asked Meira some more basic questions, like what stats she was looking for and what special effects she wanted. Jake just listened in as Meira answered everything and, as subtly as he could, began making his way towards the door. Meira noticed him, and Jake just smiled and gave her a thumbs up before leaving her to do her own shopping. He already had enough awkwardness for one day and wasn’t going to be forced into a changing room or anything like that.

Considering he had some time to kill and was in a shopping area anyway, Jake decided to do some shopping of his own for a bit of gear. He had a few pieces of equipment he had been walking around with for a while and quickly settled on one of his older pieces – gloves.

[Gloves of Quintessential Arcane Manifestation (Epic)] – Gloves made from a powerful synthetic cloth. These gloves are incredibly thin, nearly unnoticeable, and are incredibly resilient against all attacks. Will become immensely more durable if infused with arcane energy. The Crystalized Essence has been fully integrated. All constructs using your arcane affinity and your hands will last longer and be more potent. The gloves can store a large amount of arcane energy that can be released immediately. Channeling unattuned energy into these gloves will grant it your arcane affinity. Enchantments: +125 Intelligence, +75 Wisdom, +50 Willpower. Quintessential Arcane Manifestation.Requirements: lvl 115+ in any humanoid race. Quasi-Soulbound

They were good. Arnold had gone above and beyond when he made them, but frankly, their effect just didn’t cut it anymore for the most part. The blast he could shoot out of them was pretty much the same as what he could do by himself, and the only true value was how durable they were when he infused them with arcane energy. There was also the part about arcane constructs made with his hand becoming stronger, but as with most things in the system, that was all relative. When he got them, it was noticeable, but now that he was several times stronger, it was utterly irrelevant. In ten or more levels, borderline none of the effects would do anything besides the stats.

So, Jake decided to check out a shop he himself had been looking at before they went. He had said that the Order did not run any stores themselves, but that did not mean members of the Order didn’t run their own stores and that members didn’t tend to have the biggest ones.

Jake headed for one of these shops that he knew were run directly by talented members of the Order. It was new and had a pretty special requirement for those who were allowed to shop there – you had to be blessed either by the Malefic Viper or a god subordinate to him. He feared that he was walking into a madhouse of fanatics, but he also knew they had good stuff in there. Draskil had even mentioned it once during their dungeon run and said he got a legendary item from there.

Before he left Meira alone, he had placed a Mark of the Avaricious Hunter on her. He had zero confidence in finding her without it.

After going through another gate and walking down a large street even more filled than those before, he saw the building he was looking for. It wasn’t hard, considering it was a massive castle-like building with the motif of the Order of the Malefic Viper proudly displayed right above the entrance. A massive tower shot up from the center of the castle, too, making it a landmark. Quite impressive considering the building had only been around for about a year.

Not many people went there, but all who did were stared at when allowed entrance. With a sigh, Jake headed for the castle, and once he got close to the entrance, he felt a faint pulse scanning him. He was not blocked and simply walked through the entrance to enter a large hall. The moment he stepped inside, he felt many presences all around him, not from people but from the statues lining the hall on each side depicting different gods. At the end of the hall stood the statue of the Malefic Viper. It depicted a massive simple-looking black snake coiled up and faced towards whoever dared enter the castle.

Well, if this isn’t a way to try and humble anyone who enters, I don’t know what it is, Jake thought, getting flashbacks to the lesson with Viridia and the statue of Villy there. As usual, Jake didn’t care about the presences but quickly still understood what was happening. He chose to walk slowly through the hall before reaching a new gate and entering, trying to at least look a little worn out from the endeavor.

Only after going through the gate could he see the new area due to how spatially expanded it had been. And oh boy, was it expanded. Jake entered an utterly massive curving tunnel of sorts, extending what seemed like infinitely upwards. He also felt that his Mark on Meira felt far further away than before, way, way, further.

“Greetings, Blessed by the Malefic One,” a voice said as a figure teleported in. Jake instantly felt the pressure and knew this individual was a fully-fledged B-grade. The person wore a hooded robe with the insignia of the Order on it, but nothing else was visible, not even their race.

“Hello there,” Jake said in return with a nod.

“What has the young master come looking for?” the hooded attendant asked. Jake had studied a little and knew this place was quite unique, and Draskil had also said that the ones running it were high rollers of the Order.

“Equipment, preferably gloves. Also, if there are any items capable of awakening Records within an item to further enhance them, that would also be supremely useful,” Jake said. While Jake had come looking for new gloves, he wouldn’t say no to also finding a way to upgrade his boots.

“The second request may be hard to fulfill as such items are rarely found in D-grade,” the B-grade said. “But for the gloves, we have plenty on offer. Please, do tell, what kind do you need? And do you walk the Path of the Malefic One, having embraced the Legacy?”

Jake wasn’t sure why the second question mattered but answered both. “I do possess the Legacy skills, and I need gloves primarily to help boost my physical stats, and if they are highly durable, it would be the best.”

The attendant nodded and spoke: “Please follow me.”

Using a few hand motions, a portal appeared right beside the B-grade, and the person motioned for Jake to step through. Jake felt no danger or like anything was amiss and did so as he found himself inside a far smaller area reminiscent of a trophy room. There were pedestals all over with items on display, all of them behind barriers a bit like what the vampires had used to preserve their items. It was the kind of barrier that helped items not lose their enchantments and power.

Jake could not even Identify any of the items due to these barriers. It wasn’t that he couldn’t properly see or sense them, but that the barriers themselves messed with whatever Identify did. Rather than getting full information, it only gave a brief snippet.

After using Identify on a few of the pedestals, all of them holding pairs of gloves, Jake got the gist of it.

[Gloves – Ancient - Medium Armor – Magical – Pride of the Malefic Viper – Requirements Not Met]

[Gloves – Legendary - Medium Armor – Magical – Touch of the Malefic Viper]

“Do note that the young master may only purchase a single item,” the attendant said. Jake was about to ask why but quickly understood. Resale value. But he was a bit confused about the descriptions provided still.

“Can you explain what the information given means?” Jake asked.

“The first three, I believe self-explanatory, while the fourth says if the gloves give physical or magical stats, with the final one displaying which Legacy skill the item is tied to. Do note that in order to use the gloves, you need the Legacy skill at the same rarity as the gloves. If none here are useable, we can visit a lower floor. Do note that if you do not possess the required level to wear any item, your Identify should reflect that,” the attendant explained.

Jake nodded once more in recognition Made sense. He looked at a few more items before one truly caught his eyes.

[Gloves – Legendary - Medium Armor – Physical – Scales of the Malefic Viper]

They were all black gloves and looked incredibly light despite being classified as medium armor. Thin black scales covered the item, looking almost just like a pattern on the leather. Jake liked how they looked, and the description made him very hopeful it would do just what he wanted. It gave him good vibes.

“That one,” Jake said as he pointed to the gloves.

“First, I must make sure the young master has the funds. Each legendary item here is priced at a billion Credits. Also, be aware that once the item is revealed, you must either purchase it or leave with nothing,” the attendant said.

Jake quickly displayed that he had the funds and didn’t see any scenario where he wouldn’t buy the gloves for a measly billion Credits. With a nod, the attendant took out a token. The barrier shimmered away, allowing Jake to finally properly Identify the item.

[Gloves of the Malefic One’s Grace (Legendary)] – By the grace of the Malefic One, your scales shall be your instrument of invincibility. Created by an incredibly skilled crafter possessing the Blessing of the Malefic VIper, these gloves contain but a fragment of the Primordial’s Records. Made from the hide and scales of an apex wyvern, infused with its toxic blood, and enhanced by a powerful, refined core, these gloves are incredibly resilient. Allows Scales of the Malefic Viper to be cast directly upon the gloves at a significantly increased effect. While using Scales of the Malefic Viper, the effect of all stat points granted by these gloves are increased by a significant amount. Only one who has shown sufficient proficiency in Scales of the Malefic Viper may wear these gloves. Enchantments: +300 Toughness, +300 Vitality, +300 Strength, +300 Agility, +300 Endurance. Scaled Hands of the Malefic OneRequirements: lvl 175+ in any humanoid race. Skill: Scales of the Malefic Viper (Legendary+).

While Jake did have a limited understanding of how much things were worth, he did know that legendary items were always priced in the billions within the multiverse. The Auction had allowed everyone on Earth to get banger deals on stuff, but this offering was at the same level in pure value. One billion was a steal.

“Satisfied?” the attendant asked.

“Very,” Jake smiled. “But is it truly only priced at a billion? This may be presumptuous of me, but the materials alone must have cost more than that severalfold.”

A part of him even wondered if maybe the item was cursed or something, but the attendant explained:

“These items have a limited userbase, and it is not in our interest to keep them vaulted up. They are for those who have been recognized by the Malefic One or those loyal to his excellency, and it is only in our interest to help them on their way. For you to already have achieved legendary rarity in Scales of the Malefic Viper despite being in D-grade is incredibly commendable already and proves you are worthy. So yes, they are underpriced by the standards of many but priced exactly right by our standards. This place was never made to make money to begin with.”

Jake nodded in understanding, not one to say no to a good thing. “Well, I am for sure buying them.”

The attendant nodded and bowed. “May they serve you well, he who is blessed by the Malefic One.”

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