Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 560 - Gossip Porcelain Doll

Chapter 560: Gossip Porcelain Doll

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Aamir finally realized that the war had long since eroded the meaning of family and friendship, and he had already gotten used to it. However, Wang Tong was the only person he had met so far who still held onto those values.

“My Lord, tell me what to do. I am afraid that Egypt City will not let us get away with this. We need to prepare.”

“Don’t fret! It will be a good opportunity to teach them a lesson.” Ye Zi announced. One might think that Ye Zi was an idealist, since she had always been a medic inside the camp. However, years of tumbling and rolling with a local war band had installed measures of pragmatism in her.

“I am here to break the rules. Aamir, I know what to do. We will have to purchase at the original price no matter what, and that is my promise. Make sure we have enough storage room, and leave the rest to me. ” Wang Tong cracked a smile as he intentionally filled Aamir’s mind with questions.

Ye Zi felt proud for being part of Wang Tong’s team. She knew that he was fighting for all human on Mars and not for his own benefits like all the other warlords on Mars.

Wang Tong challenged the status quo and punished the pompous a*shole; he did it to remind Aamir of his original intention when the latter first created the Blizzard brand. Time might have made Aamir numb to the injustice of the world, but it would not change his heart.

By then, Wang Tong had finally gotten Aamir’s approval as a competent leader. Although Aamir had limited abilities, he was determined to do all he could to help the former achieve his goal.

“Sister Yuyu, I have noticed that you have been distracted ever since you came back from Maersa City. What is so interesting in that city that could make you want to return?” Susu half asked and half-joked with Xiao Yuyu.

Xiao Yuyu’s advancement into legendary level had been sensational news in the sect. Leveling into level twenty-one straight from level nineteen was unheard of.

Xiao Yuyu and her crew had been one of the weakest medic crews before she joined Battle Wolf. However, after she returned the sect, she brought back with her a group of level nineteen field medics. This development shocked everyone in the Sect. In addition, the two spells she had learned at Battle wolf, the Divine Light and Super Healing, had also impressed everyone.

“Aw-you… Stop that! ” Xiao Yuyu blushed.

“Come on! Tell me what Wang Tong is like. ” Susu asked curiously; her mind was filled with questions. Wang Tong had made her brother compromise, and to Susu, he was the biggest mystery in the world. Susu always had a sense of superiority for being a Martian, and she wondered if this Earthling boy would really measure up to the heroic warriors of the Mars.

“He is... It is difficult to explain. ” Xiao Yuyu searched her mind for words to describe Wang Tong, his sincerity, his gallantry, and his ambitions. Failing that, Xiao Yuyu giggled embarrassingly. Meanwhile, her mind already veered off to the time that she had spent with Wang Tong,

“Hey... HEY!” Susu waved her hand in front of Xiao Yuyu and then she chuckled. “Is he really that awesome? Everyone on your team has been talking about him ever since you came back.”

Gossiping was in the blood of martian girls, even if they were field medics. These field medics were the elite units from the Sect. They underwent training in the Sect until they had learned all they needed to serve in the military. Michaux and his sister had created this unit in order to serve the people of the Mars better.

Although most field medics would be sent away to be stationed at different human resistance factions, those who possessed exceptional talent stayed in the sect, and were groomed to be chief medics and trainers. Xiao Yuyu’s mission in Battle Wolf had been very special, since never before had the Sect lent their permanent field medics to another party. Once the field medics returned, the other girls surrounded the group and pressed them with questions about the outside world. Their curiosities were further piqued by their sisters’ drastic increase in power. Xiao Lin, for example, had been a level sixteen medic when she left, but she had leveled up to level nineteen by the time she returned. This was a miracle! Xiao Lin and her sect sisters praised Wang Tong’s talent and handsomeness every day, and it was the first time another man’s name, other than Michaux’s, was heard in the halls of the Divine Mastery Sect.

“Tell me, sister…Please!” Susu pleaded for more information about Wang Tong.

“I really can’t explain it. You would have to spend some time with him yourself.”

Ever since Xiao Yuyu returned the sect, she had been yearning to return to Battle Wolf, to the real world. Here in the ivory tower of the sect, she did nothing but teach one or two hours a day, and spent the rest of the day wandering around the palace, trying to find anything to do. It was a drastic contrast to her busy but fulfilling days at Battle Wolf. Although she had only been away for two months, she felt that she might as well have been gone for a year. Time was a strange thing; it was not measured with the tick of a clock, but with the memories.

“Hmph! You guys are jerks! You and my brother.” Susu pouted. She could wear the mask of the holy goddess of the Sect during formal settings; but in everyday life, she was still a young girl with an inquisitive mind.

Xiao Yuyu studied the porcelain-doll-like features on Susu’s face, and she pinched her cheek as she would to a cute little sister. It had never occurred to her that all girls in this ivory tower were nothing but dolls; but after she had tasted the life in the real world, she could finally see things for what they really were.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong was having a meeting with Syracuse.

“My lord, you are a true leader through and through! Only two weeks after you established yourself in Maersa, you have already beaten up the district’s only food supplier. What do you want me to do?” Syracuse grimaced sarcastically.

“Hehe… Well, I thought I still have you to turn to.” Wang Tong beamed from side to side.

“Oh...Oh...that... My lord, I am not as resourceful as you might think.”

“What a stingy b*stard you are! Help us out, will you? People are starving.”

“Yes, yes. I have already ordered a shipment; it should reach you in five days.”

The meeting went well. After having to deal with each other for a few months, they could finally get down to business with a great measure of trust with each other.

Syracuse turned off the sky-net and lit up a cigar. Wang Tong sounded much less desperate than he had expected. He wondered if the latter had a plan B. Even if he did, Syracuse would be the first person to know about it, thanks to his enormous web of contacts.

When Wang Tong hung up the phone, he heard a commotion outside of his window. Was that Tan Bu?

“Duo Lun, what the heck is going on outside? What is Tan Bu shouted about?”

“Boss, we better not go out there. Tan Bu can’t control himself, so he went and joined the march.”

Wang Tong listened carefully, and he heard words such as “Long live Wang Tong”, and “We love our Lord.”

“What is this all about?” Wang Tong was confused.

“Boss, people are marching. They heard about what you had done to Han Dun, and they were deeply moved. So, they organized a march to express their admiration for you. ”

Wang Tong cracked a smile and then said, “Fine, let them go home now. We have lots of things to do.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Wang Tong didn’t think he had been extra benevolent to his citizens, but the people of the city worshiped him as he was the best city lord in the world. Not only had he exempted them from their tax duties, but he also treated everyone like family.

The soldiers and the merchants inside the city wouldn’t be affected by Wang Tong’s rule as much as the ordinary people. Soldiers and merchants both served for the city, but what about the ordinary people? Everyone knew that there was no free lunch in the world, so they were curious as to what Wang Tong wanted from them. Rumors had it that their city lord was not very kind to people whom he didn’t like; the Cherry Blossom was a good example.

Not sure who had spread the news about what had happened to Xiao Jin. A few hours later, the news was verified as people found the heir of the Egypt city in the dungeon with wounds all over his body.

Dignity had been a remote memory to a lot of people. But, when the citizens finally remembered what it was like to live like a human, they felt lucky to have such a benevolent lord.

“Li Xiu, good job on leaking the news to the public.” Marcos smiled approvingly.

“It was nothing, haha. I would do anything to help Captain Wang Tong.” Li Xiu answered calmly.

“What do you think we should do next?” Marcos asked.

“I will follow you in whatever you do.”

“Hehe…Good! I am determined to follow Wang Tong. His goal is not just the Maersa City, but the world. He will need our talents.”

“But, do you think our talent will be truly valued?” Li Xiu asked.

“Of course, we might not be the best soldiers yet, but we are much better equipped for many other tasks.”

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