Marvel's Superman

Chapter 272 - 269 | Heros End, I Am Inevitable.

Chapter 272 - 269 Hero\'s End, I Am Inevitable.


Thor roared, and the power in his body surged.

It was like a flood that broke the dam and poured out.

Those eyes contained deep hatred, which was filled with blazing white thunder.

The flashes of lightning were particularly shocking!

"I want to thank you for giving me one more chance -- to cut off your head!"

Thor stomped on the ground and suddenly leaped into the air.

Holding the Stormbreaker with both hands, he swung a semi-circular arc and slammed it into the purple potato-like head.

He believed that since he could kill Thanos in the future!



He could certainly do it!


Thanos sneered without fear.

He raised his left hand, and the Space Stone embedded in the Infinity Gauntlet suddenly burst with light.

The invisible void suddenly became heavy.

As if it were a series of strong shackles wrapped around Thor\'s limbs.

His fierce and rapid slashing movements were slowed down.

The azure blue light, like a solid bubble, wrapped and covered him.

"If you want to win a battle, having extraordinary courage isn\'t enough. If you don\'t have enough strength to support that confidence, it\'s just futile resistance."

Thanos snorted coldly and used the Space Stone to control the aggressive Thor.

This time, he wouldn\'t make the same mistake again, leaving the other side room to exert his strength.

That fatal wound to the chest was a bloody lesson.

"If you want to cut off my head, you would have to ask your father to come."

Thanos calmly said.

He wasn\'t afraid to face these many superheroes.

Above the earth, within the Nine Realms, the strongest person worthy of fear was no longer there.

The Sorcerer Supreme died physically, and her soul wandered the dimensional worlds.

The Allfather Odin died and returned to the embrace of Yggdrasil.

How could they stop him, who had the Infinity Gauntlet, just by relying on the Avengers?

"Asgardian, take one last look at the world."

Thanos\'s right hand stretched out. The Space Stone released blue light, tearing out a deep rift.

The long, cold, double-edged sword emerged and steadily landed in the palm of his hand.

"Your family, your kingdom, your people … they have all returned to the embrace of death, so let me send you to reunite with them."

Thanos\'s legs took a few strides and rushed towards Thor.

The long double-edged sword that had been stained with the blood of countless races and civilizations would cut down without hesitation!

He intended to reunite the Asgardian royal family!

Boom boom! Boom boom! Boom boom --

Dozens of tiny missiles, like swimming fish, interweaved a net of death and accurately hit the Titan\'s body.

There was fire, explosion, and smoke everywhere.

Unfortunately, this didn\'t cause any effective damage to Thanos.

He took a few steps back, unscathed.

The purple skin was enough to resist most of the energy attacks such as heat, electricity, and radiation.

At best, the bombing of small missiles could only make Thanos feel a tiny bit of pain.

Of course, Iron Man\'s own purpose wasn\'t to deliver damage.

He was just trying to save Thor to prevent his teammate from getting killed by Thanos.

"I owe you one."

Thor took this opportunity to swing Stormbreaker and cut through the space confinement.

"Then help me beat the sh*t out of this guy!"

The thrusters spewed fire, and Iron Man flew into the air as he said so.


Thor nodded and agreed, raising Stormbreaker. The power of thunder poured out.

Like a fierce and thick electric python, it broke through the earth and moved towards Thanos!

Iron Man didn\'t look away either and released a beam of energy from his palm.

When the rest of the superheroes saw it, they joined the battle.

War Machine and Iron Man, like two powerful mobile forts, flew in mid-air for fire support.

Thor and piloting the Hulkbuster, Banner were equivalent tanks, meat-shields that taunted the opponent.

They were beaten and absorbed injuries while restricting Thanos\'s mobility.

As for low-output heroes like Black Widow and Rocket Raccoon.

They could only wander around the edge of the battlefield, constantly moving around.

Captain America was the commander, responsible for the overall situation and giving orders.

If necessary, he would also fight in person and absorb the damage with the vibranium shield in his hands.

If we regard this as a large-scale multi-player battle, Thanos would feel a slight crisis as the final big boss.

This opening team of superheroes was well configured and clearly distributed, so he even wouldn\'t have the time to snap his fingers.

If his life was looked at as a status bar, and he was surrounded by heroes, he was likely to get killed.

As the saying goes, even a single tiger would be afraid of a pack of wolves, let alone a group of superheroes!

"If this is the extent of Thanos\'s powers, then the Avengers will be able to solve it without my help."

Luke didn\'t actively participate in the team. He was a solo type of player.

Rashly joining this team battle would only disrupt the rhythm of those superheroes\' cooperation.

Moreover, there had always been one rule, whether it was Marvel Universe or the studio next door:

No matter how strong the characters were, their combat power would definitely drop by several levels as long as they were in a team.

When Batman fought alone, his combat power often broke through the sky.

He could beat all those Gotham criminals, and he could even beat the Justice League.

However, in the \'Metal\' event.

Each individual Batman from the other universes could destroy the Justice League. After forming the so-called \'Dark Knights\', they were destroyed one by one.

There were countless similar cases.

The more famous ones were probably the Nova Corps of Marvel and Green Lantern Corps of DC.

They could save the world individually.

If there were many of them, they would be destroyed.

In order to ensure that this rule wouldn\'t take effect on himself, Luke chose to watch the battle.

There was Thor and Captain Marvel.

These two main outputs, as well as the other Avengers.

Teaming up against the Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos, there was still a small chance of winning.

"Asgardian, you were born with power. It\'s a gift and a flaw! In terms of combat experience, you are far inferior to Odin!"

Thanos held his long double-edged sword across his chest and blocked the Stormbreaker that was slashing towards his chest.

The two sides were like bulls wrestling, not one of them giving way to the other!

There was a strong force on one side, and on the other side, there was a surge of thunder.

Suddenly, it turned into a stalemate.

"Thor, let me help you!"

Iron Man flew behind Thanos. His two mechanical arms came out with full force, tightly strangling his opponent\'s neck.

Banner\'s Hulkbuster strode forward. Two energy cannons were building up power, intending to shoot at the purple potato\'s head.

"Let me teach you how to fight!"

Seemingly caught in a critical situation, Thanos\'s eyes were calm, and the muscles on his arms were raised.

Holding the double-edged sword and pushing it forward, the purple potato\'s head violently crashed forward.


A headbutt!

It had been proven that the hardness of an Eternal\'s skull was slightly superior to that of an Asgardian.

Thor\'s brain only felt a \'buzz\' and a sharp ring.

His whole face felt like it was hit by a large hammer, stumbling and falling back.

The tyrannical force exerted on the Stormbreaker was also released.

"You aren\'t a real warrior!"

Thanos kicked the other\'s chest and pulled Iron Man from behind him.

The long double-edged sword swept across and split the erected alloy shield in half!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Tony …"

The Hulkbuster was like a quarterback on the offensive, rushing forward in large strides.

Two cannon shots were thrown out, but they were blocked by a spinning shield formed by the sword.

"Where\'s that clumsy big guy? Won\'t you come out?"

Thanos waved his left hand, and a red light appeared.

The Reality Stone on the Infinity Gauntlet came into play and directly turned the Hulkbuster into a big red balloon.

The latter only felt that his body was out of control, free from gravity, slowly floating upward.

"I have witnessed my tragic death in the future. Your tricks and resistance are useless."

Seeing Thor approaching again, Thanos smiled coldly and punched the other on the head.

The purple light spurted out, stirring up the atmosphere and turning it into a raging tide.


Thor couldn\'t resist the Power Stone that once smashed a planet.

Like a cannonball, he hit the ground so hard that it was difficult to get back up.

"Remember when I strangled your brother Loki? At that time, you were so weak and desperate that you could only watch. You couldn\'t stop it."

The corner of Thanos\'s lips showed a trace of cruelty. He clenched his fist, and a purple brilliance suddenly bloomed. The Power Stone turned a distant mountain into dust.

The mountain was shattered!

Rubble flew across the sky!

Then, he distorted reality with the Reality Stone and turned it into a rain of fire.

It was as if the gods were furious and casually sent down a catastrophe to destroy the world.

Red clouds reflected the blazing light, and the heavy meteorites that covered the sky crashed down.

This move was like a carpet bombing that covered the whole screen. The superheroes had nowhere to evade. They could only bear the violent explosion.

"I am -- inevitable!"

Thanos, who stood on the battlefield, said so.

Above his head, the meteorite fire and rain roared down. It was a doomsday scene that covered the entire sky.

Under his feet were the fallen superheroes. It was the arrival of their fate, death.

"You may not know, Mr. Thanos."

The dark red cloak fluttered, and a faint voice sounded.

"People like me enjoy changing fate the most."

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