The Sins of Anna

Chapter 60 A New Beginning 21.2

"My bad." He responds sounding not the least bit sorry. Blinking I notice the man had made his way back over and was standing in front of me. He had blocked the light from directly hitting my eyes after my complaint. Problem was now that I could see him I noticed he was in nothing but what looked like a karate outfit or what ever the bottoms where called with no shirt. His bronze hard chest glistening in my face. Trying not to look I take a step back looking at his face not that it wasn\'t covered by a shadow from the lights since he had been looking down at me. I still didn\'t know his name, but this was the very same man that had showed me to the dinning area earlier. Why the hell was he here and why was he half naked. "Guess we had the same idea." He suddenly says smiling more as he looked at me up and down. Unsure what he meant I took a step back to my gun that wasn\'t far from me. I don\'t know what expression I was wearing but it must have been weird because the man suddenly starts laughing. "What the hell woman your acting like you\'re some kind of pure virgin or something." He laughs harder. Hearing that I can\'t help feeling a since of déjà vu. Only difference is this time I\'m annoyed not embarrassed.

"I swear to god, the next person who say that to me I\'m going to kick the crap out of." I grumble

"Hold up tiger," he says still laughing. "I meant no harm your reaction was just to funny. Doing something like that hadn\'t even crossed my mind. Least; not till now." The man corrects himself and I feel my body tense more. Who the hell was this man and why the hell is my nickname tiger suddenly. Pretty sure if Ren was hearing this he\'d… I pause my thoughts. It doesn\'t matter what he\'d do because he\'s not here and won\'t be. A hand suddenly falls on my head. "You can cry if you want, I won\'t tell and no I might joke but I promise you this my lady I won\'t lay a finger on. That is unless you ask me to." He adds winking at me as I meet his eyes. Tension releases; I giggle a little. He was weird. Had no manners, but he seemed like an okay guy that I could get along with and I was going to need that while I was here.

"What\'s your name?" I asked, which for some reason looked as if I had put him off somehow.

"As the new head you don\'t need to fuss over learning my name just give me an order and I will follow it." What, what is he serious. What kind of crap was he spouting. Is this how the silver serpents are run, if so I am disappointed. Even Ren for having such a large amount of people under his command knew all the members names. I frown at him stepping back so that his hand falls off my head.

"In That case I order you to give me your name." I say annoyed again

I hear a small stifled laugh. "Jack Callahan, my lady." He says kneeling as he takes my hand pecking it as if I\'m some princess. I remember Silverman trying this stunt the first time we met I wanted to punch him in the face. Turns out thanks to this I learned I just really hate it. I pull back my hand wiping it on the side on my pants which he doesn\'t miss as he frowns at me standing up.

"Jack," I say it trying it on for size. He arches an eyebrow as if waiting for me to continue.

"My lady." He says back telling me he was waiting for more. First, he goofs off, then he\'s suddenly all formal.

"Please just call me Anna." I ask pouting I don\'t like this my lady crap. "I don\'t want formalities." He nods, his eyes meeting mine a warmth in them that reminded me of home.

Suddenly a beep comes from my phone. I turn to get it all the while I can\'t help watching as Jack walks back to the corner where he had been watching me and leans against it as if giving me privacy. Looking at my phone I\'m filled with disappointment and anger. This isn\'t even my fault is he seriously not even going to talk to me. I had been wishing it was Ren. The text had been from Danial it seems he had went looking for me and I wasn\'t in my room. I roll my eyes I\'m gone for 20 years and now he\'s going to be to crazy over protective father that wants to know where I am all minutes of the day. I close the text not responding. I\'m still pissed at him for not talking to me before announcing something I should have been apart of when it was decided. I sigh the only plus side now is Silverman\'s army was now mine which meant I wouldn\'t have to count just on Mike and Maliki for help, but I would have others that would do as I ask. I sigh again putting my phone back on my holster I\'m not ready to go back into the manor like a pampered princess. Ren never worried about where I was unless there was a report of danger what he worried about was if I didn\'t practice enough and I could protect myself.

"Are you purposely sighing so much to make me worried, or you just want my attention that badly." Jack spoke breaking my train of thought. I glance over trying to smile.

"I better get back to practicing that is as long as it\'s okay, you must have been here first since I didn\'t hear you come in." I say hoping that he doesn\'t mind.

"I might be the teacher here tiger but you\'re the master I\'d be punished if I kicked you out and it was found out by the lord." I frown at that, then it hits me where I had seen him. Earlier today he was the one teaching the class he stopped it for me and Ren. I cringe because I knew I was little crazy this morning, I mean hello; I wasn\'t even dressed to fight but still I stripped down in front of everyone so that I could move better. I place my hand on my forehead and I recall the events. "It\'s really not that big of a deal midget, if you want to train I can do you one better. Spar me. I will continue your training and teach you things Lord Feng doesn\'t even know. You will be so strong he will never look down on you again as a partner." I look up surprised at his words, a cocky smile on his face. I nod finding I am smiling with him. I imagine going back just like the previous time and once again I am even better then he last knew. He might actually die of a heart attack, and Maliki and Mike will applaud me then say let\'s make a wager who ever wins buys dinner. I laugh to my own imagination as I grab my stuff following Jack down to the sparing floor.

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