Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 106 - A Murderous Animal, A Leech, And Viper's Trap

Chapter 106 A Murderous Animal, a Leech, and Viper\'s Trap

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

Along the way, Leo didn\'t forget to take away all the valuable things from the dead Black organization\'s men and hiding them inside the net bags with the Magical Beast bodies.

This time, there were just too many net bags to carry. So, Leo could only go back and forth until he finally took out all the net bags from the cave. He then slowly moves all the net bags to the building of the North Sewer Management back and forth, again.

While going back and forth, Leo naturally didn\'t forget to always check around his surrounding in case the leader who had successfully escaped was just hiding around the area waiting for him to exit the cave of the north sewer in order to report him back to their base. Fortunately, there was no presence of that person. Maybe he had returned to base after leaving the cave.

After the Vice-Head of the North Sewer Management checked all the heads of the Magical Beast that Leo had \'supposedly\' hunted, he then gave the Official Seal of Completion with a total of 1,500 points to the latter.

Leo was feeling really excited while receiving the Official Seal of Completion. To be honest, it was really out of his expectations that he will be able to have this much of a bountiful harvest this time around. Not only did he destroyed the secret operation of the Black organization, but he had also taken the 12 pieces of large Mana stones for himself, he also took out all the valuables from the dead Black organization soldiers, and lastly, he received all the Magical Beast that was killed by the Black organization for himself, specifically a total of 150 Magical Beast equivalent to 1,500 points.

While leaving the North Sewer Management, Leo didn\'t forget to check the area nearby once again from time to time for assurance.

Arriving outside, Leo quickly hails a public carriage to take him to Sword and Magic. This time, he wouldn\'t sell any of the 12 pieces of large Mana stones to Madam Silva, but instead only the Magical Beast bodies and the valuables he had got from the dead Black organization\'s men. Surely, Madam Silva wouldn\'t mind not having some pieces this time around, right? Especially since he had worked extremely hard this time to get them, too.


Meanwhile, Richton finally arrived at the base of operation of the Black organization in Silver city. No one could have thought that the base of operation of the Black organization in Silver city was actually just opposite from the store of Sword and Magic, specifically a competitor\'s store called Black Magic.

This really proves the saying, the most dangerous place is the most safest. Who would have really thought that the Black organization would actually choose to establish their base just in front of Sword and Magic, right?

At this moment, Richton was feeling nervous and afraid while deciding whether or not he should get inside, specifically from the back alley of their base of operation, or not.

The assassin had after all practically killed all of the men assigned to Richton for this secret operation. Who he doesn\'t know was actually Leo. Hence, he really feared what kind of punishment he will receive from those Elders the moment he went inside.

Moreover, Richton\'s only way of reducing his punishment was also killed by the assassin, too. So, he doesn\'t have anyways now to try to evade the worst punishment possible.

\'Will I be killed due to how incapable I was, or will I be given another chance?\'

Basing on how the Black organization treats its members, the former consequences would highly likely be Richton\'s punishment.

That\'s the exact reason why Richton was feeling afraid and nervous at this moment.

"F*ck! It\'s all that assassin\'s fault that I\'m facing such a situation right now!" Richton can\'t help but to curse out loud the assassin for putting him in this kind of dire situation. If only the assassin didn\'t attack them during their retreat, then he wouldn\'t have to face possible life-threatening punishment from those Elders.

After a few minutes of deciding whether he should get in or not, Richton finally went to grab the doorknob while closing his eyes as he carefully opens the door.

Getting inside the base of operation, Richton opened his eyes as he braced himself from the worst possible scenario.

Inside the room, as soon as Richton opened his eyes, he was immediately greeted by the 3 Elders of the Black organization\'s base of operation in Silver city. Contrary to what he had expected though, the 3 Elders weren\'t actually showing an ugly expression or disappointment; it was more like they were nonchalant about what had just happened.

Actually, the Black organization had this kind of tool that they gave the 3 Elders that allowed them to check the vital signs of the members who had gone out to complete the mission called Tablet of Life.

This Tablet of Life had a dropped of blood from the members of the Black organization before they had gone to their mission. A broken tablet means the person was dead, and an intact one meant they were alive.

Also, they have a map called, Magic Map, that could scan the location of the 12 pieces of large Mana stones as long as it was inside the cave that the Black organization\'s men had gone to and also the movement of all their soldiers in the cave.

So, the 3 Elders had practically been watching the happenings inside the cave by using those tools.

Taking a glimpse at the map, Richton quickly saw that the 12 pieces of large Mana stones were already gone. Obviously, the assassin had taken it away, which signifies he had failed the mission and that the assassin actually knew about those 12 pieces of large Mana stones.

"I..." Richton wanted to explain, but he was immediately interrupted by one of the Elders.

"Don\'t worry, the price we paid was within our expectations. But you should still tell us everything that had happened inside the cave, from the beginning till the end!" A man with a muscular body and a cross scar in his right eye said solemnly.

This man\'s name was, Escobar. One of the Elders in the base of operation of the Black organization in the Silver City. He is a Magical Knight who was granted such power by one of the High Elders of the Black organization. He is like a murderous animal that only has killing and becoming stronger as his number one goal.

Despite being a Magical Knight, Escobar was someone that shouldn\'t be offended by just anyone, since his strength was actually comparable to a 6 Star Magical Beast. Moreover, the person behind him should also be taken into consideration before offending him.

Imagine, just how powerful was that High Elder in order for that person to be capable of giving Escobar such strength. It would surely be around 8 or 9 Star Mage in order for them to grant someone such power. So, offending Escobar would also be the same as offending that High Elder.

"First, how did you fail and who had caused you to fail!! "A Mage with an eyeglass and an ugly face said angrily as he suddenly released a strong Pure Mana pressure towards Richton, causing the latter\'s body to immediately kneel down on the ground right after.

This Mage\'s name was Caynis. 5 Star Mage in his 40s with a hot-headed and leech-like personality. He was also a narrow-minded person and a perverted bastard.

While releasing down the pressure towards Richton, Caynis soon stood up to walk closer towards the former. What followed after was 2 pretty women falling down from the sofa he was sitting on the moment he stood up. The 2 pretty woman was no longer breathing while being naked the moment they fell down on the ground.

This was the meaning behind Caynis\' leech-like personality. He will leech off the Life Mana within a woman, specifically a virgin, after playing around with them, since he was using a cultivation technique called Leech Bug.

Leech Bug is a Dark-Nature Element cultivation technique where the user would form a seemingly leech-like bug made out entirely of the combination of both Dark and Nature Element Mana before putting it secretly inside a person\'s body, preferences were woman due to their high amount of yin energy which the cultivation technique specifically needs, hence they had become his main target. This leech-like bug would then absorb all the Life Mana within the woman\'s body, causing her to eventually die, which later on would be absorbed by him to strengthen himself.

No one has yet known just how many virgin women had Caynis killed in order for him to reach 5 Star Mage. But rumors say that it\'s around the range of 5,000 to 10,000.

Well, what could be expected from the Black organization? Each one of them was much more crueler and wicked than one another.

"Now, now, no need to be ruthless to our junior. At least, he had survived from that failure, hence saving us from the trouble of how to report to the Crystal Skull Noble Household about their third son getting killed." Another Mage calmly said as he motioned for Caynis to stop, which the latter quickly followed, showing how fearful the latter was from the former.

This Mage only has a code name as his name, Viper. A 7 Star Mage with a seemingly calm personality. But this person\'s calmness was actually like how a calm ocean was before a storm, or how calm the sand was not knowing a viper was currently hiding underneath.

Viper is the most dangerous within this group of Elder, as his specialty was to unknowingly trap people using his seemingly calm personality. Like how a storm would suddenly appear in a calm ocean, hence the ships around wouldn\'t be able to escape anymore, or how a viper that hides underneath the sand suddenly launches itself quickly towards its ignorant prey, causing the prey to be a surprise and unable to escape anymore.

These 3 were the Elders of the Black organization\'s base of operation in Silver city.

Listening to Viper\'s seemingly calm voice, Richton immediately became more afraid. As a member of the Black Organization, he obviously knew about these 3 Elders. This was the sole reason why he was so afraid awhile ago because these 3 people were one of the most cruel people within the Black organization\'s Elders.

In the Black organization, these 3 have a really well-known nickname; A Murderous Animal, a Leech, and a Viper\'s Trap.

Naturally, these nicknames weren\'t just given to make these 3 people sound cooler, but as a recognition for the capability, they had shown from the very beginning of the establishment of the Black organization in Silver Kingdom.

"Keep calm as you slowly tell us what had happened in the cage... I mean cave, hehehe..." Viper said with a hideous laugh.

Despite feeling fearful, Richton quickly followed what Viper had said as he calmly explained to the Elder what had happened, "There were 30 of us remaining when we reached the entrance of the 1 Star Magical Beast cave. I ordered 10 of my men to take a rest so that we can well prepare ourselves for the upcoming battle with the 1 Star Magical Beast that guarded the 12 pieces of large Mana stones, while the rest of us continue the fight against those normal Magical Beast. However, an assassin had actually taken that as a chance as he started killing those men that were currently taking a rest one by one, without getting noticed."

"Only later on did I notice that those 10 men were already dead, which was after I called them for the battle. They weren\'t moving anymore at that time despite my relentless call, so I approached them. But, to my surprise, they were all dead! All of the 10 men were no longer breathing with a dagger wound straight to their hearts, sir!"

"I immediately called out the remaining 19 alive men to gather in one place so that the assassin wouldn\'t be able to kill more of my men anymore. Naturally, I planned to continue the fight, since we should do everything for the sake of the Black organization. But, the majority of the men wanted to return due to the fear of dying. So, despite being the leader of the group, I was a force to follow what the majority wanted."

"However, the moment we started our retreat, the assassin also began attacking us, killing one of my men one after another, easily and helplessly. And also, an unknown entity that somewhat looked like a Human-made out of the rock was assisting this assassin. Everyone fought at first, but the assassin could actually easily kill 2 of our Mages, and in a gruesome and merciless way too, hence causing everyone to become more fearful!"

"It immediately caused everyone to fall into a panic..."

Richton continued to explain until he finally finished with everything. Obviously, he had made some small lies in order to look better to the eyes of 3 Elders. He doesn\'t dare to make overestimated lies though, since the 3 Elders could also base everything using the Tablet of Life and the Magic Map.

After all, the Tablet of Life was just tiny tablets, specifically 3 inches tall and 1 inch wide, that the 3 Elders had put on the Magic Map. Everything that had happened in the cave would also be followed by the Tablet of Life and the Magic Map. Anyone that dies, any kind of movement, and any possible lies that Richton would make would be found out just by basing at the 2 Magic Tools.

"Everything matches what he said. But that doesn\'t mean that you\'ll be able to escape your punishment!" Viper said as he nodded towards Caynis, signaling the latter to be in charge of Richton\'s punishment.

"Obviously, a Mage should also be punished by a fellow Mage. Come here, Richton!" Caynis said as he turned around towards a chamber.

Inside the door of this chamber leads towards an underground area with shouts of different people, male or female, young or old, Humans or Foreign races, could be heard within from time to time.

This chamber was known by all the Black organization members stationed in Silver city as the Chamber of Half Death. Chamber of Half Death simply meant that the people that had received their punishment within this chamber would experience a near to death punishment. Though, the majority of the people that had gone inside the Chamber of Half Death still died despite its torments only being near to death experience.

Well, it was reasonable, since Escobar was the one in-charge to torture them. A murderous animal that always had the tendency to forget the torture as being only a mere punishment, hence causing those unlucky people to die.

Fortunately, the one that will torment Richton this time was Caynis. This Elder only enjoys killing women, so his chance of surviving was a lot higher, unlike being torture by Escobar.

However, Richton still could not help but gulp down a mouthful of saliva in fear before he quickly followed behind Caynis towards the Chamber of Half Death. After all, even if he would not really die, the feeling inflicted by the experience of getting close to Death\'s door was still something anyone would be fearful about.

Richton thought in his mind, "No matter how cruel the punishment would be, as long as I have the chance to live, I will do everything to endure it all."

"I\'ll make that assassin pay one day!" Richton quickly added before finally walking inside the Chamber of Half Death.

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