I got summoned to another world, then married a yandere!

Chapter 122 - Xiaoxiao Seeks The Guidance From Her God!

A newly created party searched for other parties attentively, their eyes going around in the utmost focus. There was no way for even a little monster to escape their eyesight! However, the sight of other adventurers hadn\'t entered their eyes despite going around for a good while.

It could only mean two things - either the adventurer parties gave up on the mission, or the pyromaniacs began working faster and separately.

One of them at least had power equal to a 20th-floor adventurer, so if three of them risked their identity and just went around the lands in search of red tokens, then it would be a disaster for Kyoya and his acquaintances.

"The plan was to split…"

"I don\'t think splitting up in this situation would be wise."


Everyone agreed when Lioe spoke up.

It wasn\'t only because the threat from pyromaniacs became too dangerous, but their eyes also could see the results of them going all out. In front of the gathered party, the charred lands unfolded. The smell of burned nature lingered still in the air, and one could see the flames hiding beneath the charred ground.

It was a devastating sight.

Probably not too long ago, a fight between pyromaniac and adventurers happened here. Everyone from the group inhaled deeply, and then their eyes turned to Xiaoxiao as she let out some words. Her god was related to fire, and so she was clearly aware that the pyromaniac didn\'t hold back here at all. He used everything in his power to just melt the people as soon as possible.

"I can ask Goddess Fiana for guidance. I am sure Lord will answer me if I expose such deeds of pyromaniacs! This is just too much! Let\'s go back to the city. There should be a shrine!"

"You are a believer of Lord Fiana?"


When Lioe asked Xiaoxiao such a question, she brightly and proudly answered him. It was a goddess whose identity was known to be gentle and supportive, so Lioe knew that there was a huge chance of her giving a helping hand.

He nodded in approval like the leader he was; then, everyone headed back to the Quadr City. In the meantime, Kyoya and Xiaoxiao spent some time together.

Though Xaya was on the husband\'s back, she stood silent as the two talked. It was somewhat awkward as Xiaoxiao had a lot to say, but she didn\'t want to talk with all those people around. So the party just spoke about everyday stuff. Their topics were mostly about the beautiful lands they saw on their adventurers. Kyoya also spoke about origins and his bathroom plan that Xiaoxiao could only understand.

She nodded happily when the bathroom project got completed and even got curious about some of the \'mechanics\' that Kyoya implemented for his and Xaya\'s daily use. It was a rather unconscious action, but she wanted to try exactly this bathroom.

"Smooth bathroom… You can only have those high-quality ones in the taverns on special floors, but yours sounds even better, Kyoya. I would like to try it once… Ah."


Some men cheekily smiled, some made rather grumbled faces. The ladies were smiling at such an innocent and clearly unconscious answer! As for Xaya, she deeply peeked at Xiaoxiao, then didn\'t spot any lustful like filth vibes.

She felt like allowing Xiaoxiao to use her bathroom a few times due to the past lessons. Those lessons about splitting up equipment, collecting those, and watching the sides were unique lessons for Xaya\'s supportive class!

"You will be able to after this mission. Hmm, I will also teach you how to use some features as it might be foreign to you."


It wasn\'t weird for some clicks of the tongue to rang out behind Kyoya and Xiaoxiao, but these two ignored such reactions as they didn\'t even think what most of the party was currently thinking about.

Soon, Quadr City unfolded its gates in front of them.

One of the adventurers asked then.

"Should we check on this bastard mayor? If he is not home, then it is him!"

"Calm down."

Lioe chimed instantly as he heard the emotions behind his friends\' voice. His fathomless voice of the leader calmed the adventurer down; then, he continued his speech.

"We can go to his house and act as if we are reporting our mission\'s progress, but nothing more than that. We don\'t know how many people are involved in this pyromaniacs plan. If he has people on the watch, then it wouldn\'t be so nice for us."

"I understand."

There was also another reason for Lioe to continue pursuing this mission. If the mayor was indeed the one who was behind it, then once they get rid of him, all his belief will reward everyone bountifully. The usual mission issued by the belief gives some monetary rewards and power growth per belief. There were times where special items were also put on the reward, but the common reward was money and growth as a believer.

However, if the mayor used the belief for plans and lied, then his god wouldn\'t take the belief for himself. Of course, it depends on the god as well, but Lioe already researched the mayor himself.

His Lord wasn\'t one of the \'evil\' gods that temp to sin.

It wasn\'t like Lioe had Xaya or was someone who could see through people with ease like Kyoya. Of course, the husband wasn\'t that good at it yet, but he had his advantages. That was why Lioe researched every aspect.

"Let\'s act like one group. My people will go and report the mission progress while you team-up and protect Lady Xiaoxiao on her way to the shrine."

Lioe said this with his eyes set on Kyoya as there was no way Xiaoxiao\'s party would leave her alone. She has changed them too much and was way too good an acquaintance to work with. There was a reason why Xiaoxiao was a leader!

That was why Kyoya just smiled and agreed, then followed Xiaoxiao.

As Xiaoxiao said, there was a shrine related to her god.

Goddess Of Fire, Fiana.

As Kyoya\'s eyes went up to look at the shrine red in color, he began thinking about this goddess\'s second concept. What was her flame, and was she someone strong in the divine lands?

It would be a pity if she were like Ice Divine, but with the shrine here and believers cleaning up the roads, it was unlikely for her to be the same.

The shrine had its own land around it, the green scenery with red flowers that sometimes popped out red sparks. The pavement was clean and grayish, treated continuously well by the believers.

They were also taking care of the flowers and trees, dropping autumn-like leaves.

In a nutshell, it was pleasant scenery for the red wooden shrine.

Xiaoxiao asked everyone to wait for a little for her, then stomped on the clean pavement to the shrine\'s doors. The doors were sliding doors, and so she slowly revealed the shrine insides. Before, though, Xiaoxiao was checked by the main believer here that had to make sure that she was the believer of Goddess Fiana.

After all, Xiaoxiao wanted to enter the shrine and request guidance.

Thus, as the insides got revealed, Xiaoxiao got welcomed by the little red world. It was red from the red candles that were shining nonstop for many years. The flames were frozen, though.

On the shrine\'s end, there were letters described in the divine language. Those letters just said the name of the goddess, then paid appropriate respect. For the shrine on such a low floor, only this much was possible.

Xiaoxiao was still amazed, though, as she stepped forth. It was a little different compared to others, but she was still feeling comfy. Her body was getting warmer as if the goddess was hugging her.

Then, she stopped by the divine letters.

Usually, by seeking out the god here, the technique would come out from the disciple from the divine lands, the direct disciple. However, Xiaoxiao sought the goddess herself and her guidance for the first time, which was huge!

She knelt and touched the ground with her fingers. Then, she closed her eyes and inwardly sought her goddess while thinking about the evil deeds of the pyromaniacs. A few minutes passed, then the frozen flames began shivering.

Their dance startled Xiaoxiao as she opened her eyes; however, some kind of touch appeared on her cheek. It was as if someone began caressing her, yet only the divine letters were in front of her.

However, her eyes went to the dancing flames.


"Ah! Lord Fiana, I sincerely thank you for answering me! Please, guide me to get rid of the bad believers! They are using their flames to constantly cause a lot of threats, kill people, and innocent people that just want to live in our beautiful world!"

[Child, oh my child… You are being used.]

"W-what do you mean, Lord Fiana?"

[I feel another divine energy coursing through your body.]

"Eh? B-but that\'s impossible… I believe only in you, Lord Fiana… I am… doing my best… to climb the floors…"

It was too sudden, but Xiaoxiao instantly let out tears. She didn\'t want to insult her god by coming here with another divine energy. Likewise, Xiaoxiao knew that two different beliefs would just clash with each other and not allow the adventurer to grow up in strength.

Her purpose of going up… She wanted to climb up… as highly as possible until…

[I am aware of your feelings, my child.]

Her touch became warmer, Xiaoxiao\'s tears completely disappearing as if evaporated. She felt reassured and glad that Lord Fiana didn\'t get insulted by that. However, how could Xiaoxiao have different divine energy? She asked herself this as never in her mind; she dared to betray her god and pray to others. She has never visited any other shrines intending to seek their help too!

[That\'s why I said you were being used.]

"But… who?"

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