The Sage of Einar

Chapter 35 - Talk On The Hill

Seren, who was going up the hill, stretched her hands and looked at Eskol, who was next to her.

"Eskol, I appreciate you decided to accompany me; lately, I have been quite tired supervising the artisans."

Eskol stroked his beard, "Don\'t worry about it Seren, I also wanted to come because I want to know what the wall that Einar plans to build will look like."

Seren, who had her hands behind her head, looked at Eskol seriously. "You can be sure it will be fantastic and something utterly different from anything we know.

Don\'t tell anyone, but I found out that Einar paid 500 silver coins to Gisli so that he will take care of the construction entirely. "

Eskol gulped, "That\'s a lot of silver, but being discreet, it is possible that Sven can get his silver coins back."

Seren started laughing, "It may not seem like it, but Einar yesterday made a device called a Cooler, which can keep food fresh just using water."

Eskol could then see Seren holding up two fingers. "The price Einar agreed upon was two silver coins per cooler, our artisans will take one silver coin, and Einar will take the other.

To sell to foreign merchants, the cost will be 5 silver coins, Einar takes 3 and us 2. "

Seren sighed and held her nasal septum. "Just counting for the number of families and the fact that the cooler is not very big.

I can be sure that perhaps Einar can earn more than 500 silver coins in these months, not to mention that the amount of silver can increase if he makes other products.

The only good thing is that he decided to work with us; otherwise, maybe the guild would have reached the end. "

Eskol patted Seren on the back. "You should never worry about that as Einar or Sven would never do something like destroying the artisan guild.

You know the Jarl Eero had the opportunity to destroy the Thing and establish a government similar to that of the Christians, but in the end, he understood that in doing so.

Our people would lose their origin, and then we would be easy prey for the Catholic monks because their way of doing things is perverse.

First, they show you the advantages of establishing a feudal system and then make you believe that you are superior to your people as a noble.

Being superior to his town, the nobleman will have to create other ranks, and in the process, the town will be relegated to a group of people called serfs.

These people lose everything and become slaves; only Catholics like to occupy another term.

Of course, in the transition process, many will reveal themselves or refuse to be servants; it is when the church takes action.

In exchange for recognizing that the leader is noble, the church arrives and imposes religion with it; those who reveal themselves will be classified as heretics for which they will be killed.

In this way, in just one generation, the servants will accept their destiny of slavery, and the church will win followers or faithful who will never question the noble.

Of course, they can be revealed, but they will only be under complicated circumstances, such as a famine or an outbreak of some disease. "

Seren opened her eyes to some surprise. "I didn\'t know that Jarl Eero was a very prepared person."

Eskol nodded his head. "He was a warrior and a person who enjoyed learning new things.

I still remember when Sven, I, and other young warriors wanted Jarl Eero to adopt the feudal system.

But he just laughed, and that week he took us on an expedition to the border with the Frankish Empire; what we saw in that place I can still remember.

The servants were badly dressed, some children had their feet bare and bloody, but this did not matter because they were happy to give what little they had to the church. "

Eskol bowed his head while sighing, "That moment I knew that feudalism was not valid for our people, although my perception changed when I learned about Miklagard and his Roman imperial system.

But that\'s another story, I think we\'ve already arrived. "

Seren scratched her head when she saw that they were already in front of Einar\'s house. "I hadn\'t realized that we had already arrived."

Once inside the house, Max began building a cooler while explaining the entire process to Seren.

When Max finished explaining everything about the cooler, he used his hand to wipe a few beads of sweat on his forehead.

This caused some discomfort to Max as this was a sign that he was losing physical condition, so he looked at Eskol, who was sitting down, drinking a cup of water.

"Eskol, today we will start training for the use of the crossbow, but I would also like to know if you can gather a group of young warriors.

That I am willing to train in the early morning, I plan to do some routines to improve the physical condition of all. "

Eskol stroked his beard. "I could gather some volunteers, including myself, as I will not pass up the opportunity to train with you.

After seeing how Peder ended up, I don\'t want to miss anything related to you. "

"You must know that it will not be a simple training, but if you are willing to participate, I have no problem with you participating.

Seren, I would like to ask you to make some unique clothes with the town seamstresses, as I would also like the artisans to be able to build some things with wood.

In a moment I\'ll show you what they should look like. "

In the afternoon, Sven gathered in the inner courtyard of the great hall and began to greet the warriors who were arriving for training.

Among the people who arrived were Gerd and Ibssen, who had been carrying 5 crossbows together with a large number of bolts.

"Jarl Sven, what a joy to see you, where you want us to put the crossbows and ammunition."

Sven pointed to a small part of the courtyard. "You can put it in that place, Gerd, but we only have five crossbows.

The number is a little low; I thought we would have many more. "

Ibssen smirked, "Jarl, the small number of crossbows is due to the entire village working on Einar\'s projects.

We can only produce one crossbow every four days, and if we take into account that we made the first crossbow on the 9th of this month, we have only been able to make 4. "

Sven realized the lack of production, so he frowned, "If you could employ women, how much do you think it would increase production."

Gerd and Ibssen looked at each other "I think if we can employ some women, we could double the number of crossbows produced.

So every two days, a crossbow will be built; this would also increase our production of regular bolts to 20 per day and special tip bolts to 10 per day. "

Sven put his hands on the shoulders of the two men and gave them a smile with his serious face. "You have the authorization to increase production; you must remember that these weapons are the safeguards of our tribe.

It is understood?"

The two men nodded and began walking to the designated drop-off location.

At that moment, Einar with Eskol entered from the door of the great hall, so Sven knew that training was about to begin.

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