Primordial Vampire God System

Chapter 55 How Dumb~

"I warned you before, did I not?"

A man\'s voice was heard, Nash and other humans turned around and they were horrified to see a man walking towards them with a big smile on his face.

The man was wearing black clothes with a red long coat over the top, his skin was paler than anyone\'s they had ever seen, combined with his raven hair and blood-red eyes, he looked incredibly handsome.

However, his incredibly handsome face wasn\'t the focus of the humans; all of them were focused on the head that he was carrying in his hand.

"D-David…" One of the humans couldn\'t help but stutter as he glanced at Azriel in fear.

"D-Did you guys hear any fighting sounds?" A human pointed out and people around him widened their eyes as they glanced at Azriel.

\'There was no fight!\'

\'He defeated David without a fight! Even Sir Nash can\'t do that!\'

The humans looked at Azriel as if he was the death god.

Even Nash had narrowed his eyes, he then glanced at Azriel and questioned.

"Who are you?"

An eerie smile appeared on Azriel\'s face as he glanced at Nash.

"Who am I? You think you are worthy to know who I am?"

Nash\'s face turned cold, he then pointed his sword at Azriel and muttered,

"Tell me who you are when I am asking you gently because once my sword speaks, it won\'t be painless."

Azriel\'s smile widened when he saw his attitude,

\'He might be able to help me\'

He thought inwardly and then,


​ He started laughing.

The humans frowned, some felt weird, some were scared and some just wanted to go home.

"In the middle of the night… inside a dense forest… a few humans are camping…" Azriel muttered.

The more he spoke, the distorted his voice got, and more and more humans felt uncomfortable.

Then, Azriel\'s blood-red eyes shined uncontrollably as he laughed.

"Hahahaha~ Aren\'t you guys practically begging to be hunted by a Vampire!?"

"V-Vampire?" A human spoke in bewilderment.

\'This man was a Vampire? Aren\'t they supposed to be the wea-\'



However, the man wasn\'t given much time to think, he saw that the \'Vampire\', who was standing in front of him blurred and then disappeared, before he could even try to look around, a gust of wind assaulted him and his vision turned upside down.


The man questioned inwardly as the world around him rotated, soon, he saw a headless body standing on the ground with a fountain of blood gushing out of the neck.

He then observed the clothes the \'body\' was wearing and he realized something.

\'Is that… my body?\'

The world in his eyes trembled and his eyes felt heavy.

\'Am.., Am I dead…?\'

\'I feel… tired…\'

He couldn\'t take it anymore and closed his eyes.

After that,

The man never opened his eyes again.

All of this happened within seconds and the being responsible for this,

Had a big smile on his face.

He noticed that no matter afraid or not, other humans had pointed their swords at him, and he couldn\'t help but be excited because of that.

"Fighting against a being of the night in the night, HAHAHAHA! As expected of brainless cattles like you!"

Saying that, the world in Azriel\'s eyes turned slow, he looked at the humans who were trembling the most and decided to avoid him.

He looked around more, his eyes then fell on one of the \'braver\' humans and he noticed an opening.

A big smile appeared on his face, he rushed towards the Human and before the man could react to his sudden movement, he beheaded him.

Then, he started looking for another target.

\'When you fight against a group, do not stay in one place, do not let them surround you. Let them chase you and kill the one who is in the open or is defenceless.

Keep doing that and reduce the numbers.

The victory will be in your bag\'

He remembered his teacher\'s teaching and rushed toward another human.

Actually, this group of humans were much more organized and stronger than the ones Azriel has faced previously, however, unfortunately for them, Azriel was much better than his past self as well.

Therefore, the person who witnessed both the battles, that person would feel that these people were even worse than the ones he fought before.

And that is the dilemma Ithania was facing.

\'This group was clearly stronger than the last one but why are they so weak?

Can I defeat them as well?\'

However, as soon as that thought appeared in her mind, it disappeared.

\'They aren\'t weak; it\'s Azriel who is a lot stronger.\'

She realized it.

Azriel was walking into the sea of humans and beheaded them as if they were…


The scene was quite similar to before, only the power level was raised.

However, today, something was different.

\'He hasn\'t used any Skill yet\'

Ithania noticed.

She had heard and seen Azriel\'s [Blood Mist] Skill, she knew how scary that is, however, Azriel hasn\'t used it yet.

He was holding back.

"Y-You Monster! Who are you !? Vampires are supposed to be so strong!" A human lost control of himself and questioned.

"Hahahaha~ You cattles are really funny! How do you think so many humans died 3 months ago? How many were there again? 50?

Meh, it doesn\'t matter, how do you think those 50 cultivators died before!?"

Azriel questioned with a wide smile.

"T-They w-were killed by a Vampire?" The man questioned in surprise.

"Haaah? Are you an Idiot?"

"How can you kill so many humans alone!?" The man ignored Azriel\'s words and questioned.

Azriel then shook his head and sighed, however, soon, a big wide grin appeared on his face.

"Let me show you how I did it!"

His blood-red eyes shined uncontrollably and,



A human, who was standing behind the man who was talking to Azriel pierced his sword into the man\'s heart.

"Ughh… W-Why…?" The man questioned, however, he didn\'t get any answers.

*Pierce* *Pierce* *Pierce*

He then looked around and his eyes widened when he saw a similar scene happening all around him.

"W-why… Kkhhk…"

He muttered as he felt the strength leaving his body.

His comrades killing their own comrades, he couldn\'t understand what was happening.


Suddenly, he heard Azriel\'s eyes.

He turned to Azriel and noticed the big, wide smile on his face.

"Because that\'s how you humans were meant to be. You were born as our servants. Even though you revolted, your blood still knows who the real Master is.

That is us, Vampires.

Your bodies can\'t disobey our orders.


Azriel laughed like a maniac.

He was enjoying everything that was happening in front of his eyes.

Of the initial 30 humans, 6 were killed before the fight even started, and 11 were killed by Azriel.

However, those 11 humans Azriel killed weren\'t normal.

They were the \'strong-willed\' humans.

Because Azriel specifically targeted them, the number of strong-willed humans decreased and when more and more people died, the number of weak-willed people increased.

Initially, Azriel could only control 3 humans and he killed 1 of them before the fight, leaving only 2.

However, now, he could control 6 humans.

Those 6 humans attacked the other 6 humans, this reduced the number of humans fighting against Azriel to a mere…


And that one was,


The leader of humans.

Azriel then turned towards Nash with a big smile on his face.

"I warned you before, did I not?" He questioned and started walking towards him.

[Attack his limbs]

Azriel ordered and the 6 humans who were under his control attacked at the same time.

A fierce fight started.

Nash wasn\'t like Azriel, he wasn\'t used to fighting multiple opponents, not only that, but he was also thinking about Azriel and was saving his strength to fight him later.

He had seen the Vampire\'s speed before, he knows he can\'t run away from him.

He has to fight!

And he has to win!


However, he overlooked a major detail.

The people he was fighting against weren\'t normal.

They were \'puppets\'

They don\'t care about their own life.

Feints don\'t work against them.

Due to this minor mistake, he was attacked.

A sword pierced his right shoulder.

The rest was simple, he wasn\'t a Vampire.

His injuries won\'t heal even if he jumps back and gain some time, his condition worsened and worsened.

"HAHAHAHA~ Fight! Fight~ This is so funnnn~"

And as if to add salt to the wound, he heard Azriel\'s voice and noticed that the man was sitting on a chair drinking something from a bottle.

Not only that, a beautiful girl was sitting beside him, watching his fight with interest.

"Behind you." Suddenly, the girl sitting beside him muttered.

Nash quickly turned around but frowned when he noticed that there was nothing behind.


Then another sword pierced his other shoulder and he heard a small laugh.

"Hahaha~ He actually believed his enemy, how dumb~"

The girl was laughing at him!

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