Primordial Vampire God System

Chapter 63 Azriel, Let's Cause Some Chaos.


Azriel groaned in pain as he glanced at his hand which had now been sliced off.

"What do you think?" Luminia, who stood near him with a knife in her hand questioned.

From the blood on Luminia\'s knife, it was clear that she was the one who did it.

Azriel turned towards Luminia and nodded.

A few seconds later, Azriel\'s sliced-off hand melted into a blood puddle before disappearing, at the same time, a wave of blood appeared where Azriel\'s hand was, the wave of blood twisted and formed a few weird shapes before finally, a new hand was formed.

Azriel formed his fist with his new hand and then nodded.

"Same is before,"

His smile then widened as he muttered.

"My Auto regeneration improved."

Luminia smiled as well.

"Alright, now shall we check the limits of your Blood Mist?" Luminia questioned.

"Yes, teacher." Azriel nodded and then quickly turned into Blood Mist and divided himself into 20 parts.

Previously, he was able to reform his body if only a twentieth part of his body is captured.

Something that, according to Luminia, only he can do.

No other Vampire has ever done that before.

Therefore, Luminia made a point to keep tabs on this ability.

[Blood Mist] is a ridiculously powerful ability with only 1 little disadvantage.

However, if Azriel could somehow overcome that disadvantage, he would be able to slaughter his enemies while they just stood there helplessly.

Luminia then raised her hand, she then captured one out of twenty Mist and glanced at \'Azriel\'

Azriel then reformed his body and just like before, his body reformed while his right foot was missing.

Azriel could control which part of the body he doesn\'t want to form, so it was quite flexible.

However, he cannot spread the damage all over his body.

For example, he can choose to form the foot, but not a hand, however, he cannot spread the damage by not forming his toes and fingers and constructing the rest of his body.

"Let\'s see if you can regenerate this way."

Luminia muttered and Azriel nodded.

10 seconds passed by and finally, the Mist under Luminia\'s control melted into a blood puddle before disappearing.

At the same time, a blood wave appeared where Azriel\'s foot was and soon, a new foot was formed.

"Heh, so you don\'t even need to kill the person who captured you and can regenerate all by yourself. Ridiculous." Luminia shook her head in defeat.

"But it takes more time than normal," Azriel replied.

"Indeed, well, it\'s a good thing though, you can reform your body far away from your opponent and gain a little time." Luminia\'s brain already started working and finding different ways Azriel could use this to his advantage.

"Alright, let\'s continue." Luminia turned her head towards Azriel and nodded.

Azriel nodded back before he turned back into blood mist and divided himself into 20 parts.

This time, Luminia captured 2 mists and then waited for Azriel.

The 20 mist merged and Azriel\'s body reformed again, however, this time, not only his right foot, the whole leg below the knee was missing.

Due to this, Azriel lost his balance and fell.

Luminia however, did not release the Mist.

She wanted to see if he could regenerate again.

However, maybe half leg was still too much for Azriel\'s current ability, and the leg did not regenerate.

Lumina waited for a while minute and then noted her observation in her mind.

She then released the Mist, the mist rushed back to the body and merged with Azriel\'s right leg.

Soon, Azriel\'s leg was formed.

Azriel then stood up and muttered,

"It would be better if I reform without my hand, I can\'t lose my balance on the battlefield."

Luminia nodded.

Azriel then divided his body into 20 Mists again, and again, Luminia raised her hand and captured 3 Mists.

However, this time, Azriel was unable to reform his body.

Luminia then released the Mist and once Azriel formed his body, she muttered,

"Your limit doubled. Now you don\'t need to form 20 parts, 10 is enough, you will be able to reform your body even if one Mist got captured,"

Azriel nodded.

He knows that they could test it to more precision, however, it wasn\'t important.

It wasn\'t like he was going to divide his body into 100 parts, therefore, precision wasn\'t required.

"Alright, let\'s test your range now," Luminia instructed and Azriel nodded.

In his [Blood Mist] form, there is a limit to how far his \'parts\' can move from each other.

Luminia termed it as Range.

For current Azriel, his Mist cannot move more than 100 meters away from each other.

No, a better way to put it is that the Mist parts have to stay under 100 meters distance with anyone of the Other Azriel\'s Mist.

This might not be much different from what was mentioned before, however, in a battle, it was a lot more significant.

For example, normally, if Azriel divides himself into 20 Mists and forms a circle, the diameter of the circle will be 100 meters.

However, if Azriel keeps one Mist in the centre, 100 meters becomes the Radius of the circle, effectively doubling the diameter of the circle and Azriel\'s attacking range.

However, unfortunately, the range did not increase.

Not even a meter.

Azriel reformed his body and appeared in front of Luminia.

"Haahhh… well, things can\'t always go the way we think." Luminia sighed before she shook her head and muttered.

"Mhm," Azriel nodded.

"Don\'t worry, 100 meters is enough as it is, it\'s not like you will need a kilometre long-range to fight someone."

Azriel nodded again.

"Alright, we now know your current limits, the only thing left is to train your [Blood Art]"

Azriel\'s eyes brightened in excitement, however, Luminia smiled slyly and muttered,

"However, we will not train your [Blood Art] today, we will start it tomorrow, today, you will practice your \'Vision\'"

The excitement on Azriel\'s face disappeared.

However, he didn\'t complain much.

As long as it\'s not studying, everything is fine.

Azriel then divided his body into 30 parts and the mist started moving around the garden randomly.

This was how Azriel trains his \'Vision\'

Right now, his eyes are seeing and his brain is processing 26 different images at the same time, something that was extremely tiresome to Master.

In the last 3 months, this was the toughest thing he had to face.

2-3 images were okay, however, once they started increasing, the burden on his brain increased.

Sometimes, he even passed out while he was training.

However, his hard work paid and slowly but surely, his brain started adapting and improving.

His current limit was 25 for 30 minutes.

Yes, the current Azriel could see and process 25 different images for 30 minutes. However, after 30 minutes, he would need to return back to normal, if not, the burden on his brain would overload and he would pass out.

Not that he would need to remain in this form for around 30 minutes.

This form was risky.

He can\'t stay in this form for a very long time.

Azriel then continued to roam around the garden and train his Vision.

Luminia sat down on the chair and watched.

This continued for 10 minutes, and then, Azriel returned to normal and lay down in the garden.

"You did well."

Luminia praised.

Azriel did not reply, he just smiled and continued to lay on the grass.

5 minutes later, Azriel stood up and started his training again.

This continued for the next 1 hour and 30 minutes.

After Azriel was done with his training, Luminia stood up and muttered.

"Rest for the next 2 hours, then, you will go study in the library."

Saying that, Luminia left.

Azriel, who was still too tired could reply.

If he could, he would have shouted,

"NOOO!! I just came back! How can you tell me to go study again!?\'

Then, he would have been hit on his head and would be forced to walk into the library and study.

In conclusion, it was good that he was too tired to say anything.

2 hours passed by in a jiffy, no matter how unwilling, Azriel didn\'t go against Luminia\'s words and walked into the library.

There, he saw a beautiful blue-haired girl, immersed in her book.

The atmosphere around her looked very calm and soothing, the girl really looked like a fairy, however,

"Heh. As expected of a bookworm."

Azriel commented and the calm atmosphere surrounding Ithania broke as a vein popped out on her forehead.

"Why are you here, Brute?" Ithania questioned.

"Teacher told me to study."

"Tsk Tsk, Lady Luminia is wasting her efforts, a Brute like you won\'t be able to learn anything anyway."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Azriel just shrugged, he then picked up the book he was going to read and sat on the chair that was right beside Ithania.

"Hey, I read the report William gave to you,"

Ithania muttered with a sly smile.

"Hmm? What\'s with your expression? Did you find out something interesting?" Azriel questioned in curiosity.

Again, anyone else who heard their conversation would wonder how they, who were fighting a few seconds ago were talking so peacefully now.

These two were really weird.

"Hehe, I did find something interesting~" Ithania chuckled.

"What is it?" Azriel questioned, his eyes brimming with curiosity.

"Azriel, let\'s cause some Chaos,"

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