The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

Chapter 67 - Ignorant!

"Ehm ... can you help me, sir?" 

She dropped several scrolls to the floor, indicating Desmond to help her know all of these scrolls were about to fall.

Hearing this, Desmond answered in a dazed manner as if it was something he shouldn\'t do.

 "EH? Don\'t you see my hand? " 

He also shrugged his shoulders to reveal his missing right hand.

"Tch," Katrina snorted, and she slowly brought the scrolls to the front of the table.

Her real intention was to test Desmond\'s strength, considering her current Guild Master\'s orders, which now had gone into the beast territory.

* crash *

Putting it roughly, Katrina looked very annoyed and gave Desmond a disgusting look.

"Hmph, these are some guild rules. Please find out for yourself." Her impression of Desmond had changed again, but at least it was better than before. 

Meanwhile, when Desmond saw this, he was astonished.

The fuck ?!

Do you expect help from someone who is already in trouble with just one hand?

Desmond looked at the many scrolls and picked up one randomly. But as he read the scroll, he noticed something interesting.

"Ehm… ms? Here it is explained that the staff of the guild must explain the rules to prospective mercenaries. " Desmond pointed the scroll and pointed to the intended rules.

"And it also says here that if the staff doesn\'t show a friendly attitude, potential client or active mercenaries can report this directly to the guild master."

When Desmond said guild master, he raised his voice and made everyone in the guild hear that and see them.

Hearing this, Katrina flinched; she turned around and looked flushed.

"Ah, sorry I forgot about that so much ... Excuse me."

Katrina heads to the back of the guild with the scrolls. After a few seconds, she came with only one scroll.

"Um ... let\'s start over." Tidying the reception table, she unrolled the parchment.

When the scroll of parchment was opened, it did not match its appearance. The length of the scroll was almost the same as the length of the receptionist guild\'s table.

Desmond\'s expression was in shock, his eyes bulging out, and his mouth wide open. He could not believe that such a small roll stretched like rubber.

As Katrina saw Desmond\'s expression, she chuckled. She headed to the end of the table and pointed to the far left row.

"First, you are required to fill in this complete form and put in a little energy.

The form that must be filled in is your full name, expertise, age, and experience. "

As Katrina explained this, her eyes were out of focus, so she was surprised not to hear Desmond\'s voice when she finished explaining. 

Raising her head, she did not see Desmond in front of her. She looked around and found Desmond silent in the same place without moving an inch.

Katrina raised her eyebrows, and veins popped out of her forehead. She walked over to Desmond, who seemed to be daydreaming about something.

"Hello, MR ?!"

Pushing her hand against the table, Katrina hoped it would catch Desmond\'s attention as if he was looking at the Raven Soul Guild\'s plank. 

Meanwhile, in Desmond\'s mind, when Katrina ordered him to follow her, explaining the very end of the strange scroll, Desmond nodded and \'wanted to follow,\' but his steps stopped.

To be precise, his body stopped moving, his mind suddenly confused about the notification being seen from the system.

[The mind host is being hit by a mind spell]

The Fuck ?!

He wanted to move his head but to no avail. He could only use his eyes to see even his senses of hearing, touch, and also his body seemed to be frozen, unable to be moved or used.

The memory of Alice\'s attack came back to him; he remembered that at that time, the system asked his permission to erase the spell, but this time...

What happened?! Is this a different type of spell?


System Conclusion: Yes, host, at that time, the attacker only used a spell to affect the host\'s suggestion, but now the spell seems to stop the host from giving commands to other parts of the host\'s body.


[Warning: This spell starts attacking the host\'s consciousness, it is expected to activate defense mode]

Shit! Start defense mode; at this rate, the spy might do something terrible to me.


Creating Task...

Used 1 Slot

Status: Working 0%


[Working 50% ..]

[Status: Completed]

[Saving to Database ...]

[Data Saved!]


System Defense Mode: Activated

The host will not be able to use the help of spells, maps, and task lists while this mode is active, but instead, the system will protect all kinds of energy that will hurt the inside of the host\'s body.


As usual, Desmond felt like he lost control of the elements around him. He then tried to activate his swordsman skill but failed.

[The system will start cleaning the spell…]

Fuck! All useless.

His gaze was confined to this stupid guild board, but a sense of despair came when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching him.

Ah… Shit

Desmond tried to move all parts of his body but to no avail. Only the veins appeared. 

"Hello, MR ?!"

Hearing that it was a guild receptionist, Desmond became relieved.

Almost, I thought this would be the end for me.

Simultaneously, when Desmond\'s body was already frozen due to the spell, the spies hiding in the guild moved.

"Fast, I\'ve used mind spells on him."

"Okay, catch it now." They numbered ten people; their members usually waited in the guild lobby for information.

When Desmond appeared and also wanted to join the guild, they immediately informed their superior and received orders from the brand leader to act.

One of the mercenaries cast a spell at Desmond, even though this was in the guild with such a brave. 

Seeing Desmond, who didn\'t respond, Katrina\'s anger grew even more intense. She wanted to slap Desmond right now, but she felt something odd when she saw several mercenaries who were chatting suddenly stood up and approached her with a look that seemed to have a hidden meaning. 

This was common to , but what made her strange was that they came simultaneously. She immediately sent a magic message to the guards guarding the guild\'s front door, the guild\'s top floor, and the guild\'s back door to help her.

When these mercenaries were 5 meters close to Desmond, Katrina realized something was wrong with Desmond.

She saw Desmond keep looking at the guild board, but his veins and expression showed different things. She also saw Desmond\'s eyes blink a few times.


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