Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 430 140 - The ceremony (part 3)

Chapter 430 140 - The ceremony (part 3)

The wedding itself was on a smaller side, the invited guests were spread evenly.

But of course, that wasn\'t because the Auequas family suddenly had a change of heart and decided to show up to support the youngest son they disinherited – not at all.

While the quests from the bride\'s side were mostly from her family and the friends, all mages – the ones who showed up in response to Mizoe\'s invitation were both mages and commoners, the people he worked for, with, and with whom he grew close through the years.

That of course included the duke and duchess Espine, Mizoe\'s employers who always felt more like family to him than his actual family ever did.

Unfortunately, Miriette couldn\'t make it for the ceremony as since she was an engaged lady and her fiance was called back to the royal palace because of some kind of emergency, she had to stay behind to not create yet another rumor.

...that last part was the only grievance that Zoemi had about the wedding, but he didn\'t let it show – after all, it was his father and new mother\'s moment.

As Mizoe and Zoemi passed the rows of smiling guests, duchess Espine waved her hand at them while smiling and the duke himself nodded his head proudly – but Zoemi noticed that the red-haired man\'s eyes were slightly reddish as if he was doing his best to not show that he was tearing up because of the happy occasion.

After they took their spots just as they did during the rehearsals the past two days, the music played by the bards changed and the bride entered, escorted towards the altar by her father and younger brother.

Rokiana Grea Pwrserios looked impeccable in the splendid white wedding dress, holding a simple but elegant bouquet of white roses and blue clematis flowers that perfectly suited the bride.

Even wearing such a splendid getup, Rokiana didn\'t let go of the weapon she received as proof of her knighthood and had the rapier by her waist.

It was quite troublesome to pick a dress that would match the scabbard, but it was done and the effect was amazing.

Zoemi smiled to himself and his smile only grew when he glanced over at his father who became completely stunned at the sight of the woman he was about to marry.

With that, the bride arrived and took her place together with the groom.

The actual ceremony could finally commence.


Honestly, most of the ceremony became one big blur for Mizoe, as if somebody pushed the fast-forward button.

The pale-blue-haired man could feel the white shirt underneath the stylish tuxedo getting drenched in his sweat.

|We will have to kiss in front of everyone...? I\'m to old for this – what if I mess something up...?!|

Out of every possible situation now was the time when Mizoe\'s prudeness raised its well-combed head and made him terribly embarrassed.

He was so worried about it that he didn\'t pay any attention to his surroundings.

|I need to calm down... What will Zoemi think of me if this is the moment when I will lose my cool...|

Mizoe was feverishly trying to figure things out – the priest had said something, and the pale-blue-haired man answered without thinking or even properly paying attention.

|There\'s still time, what has it been since the priest started talking? Five minutes? I just need to think things through carefully to not make a fool out of myself or Roki... There are so many people here... should we go for a slight peck or a propper kiss...? We did it normally during the rehearsal, but maybe I should...|

"Sir Mizoe, you can kiss the bride."


The priest\'s words jolted the knight awake from the depths of his own mind.

He looked at the leniently smiling clergyman with the wide-open eyes of the deer looking into the headlights of the oncoming truck.

The priest nodded his head towards Rokiana and Mizoe, who suddenly realized that the temperature in the chapel is unbearably high and turned to his bride, loudly gulping his saliva.

She was standing there, right in front of him, even from under the veil he clearly saw her azure eyes gazing at him longingly.


He moved his slightly trembling hands and grabbed the delicate veil and pulled it back uncovering the rest of the face.

Rokiana\'s lovely blush contrasted with the color of her hair and eyes, she parted her lips a little just to close them again and her eyes slightly trembled.

At this point, it would be very rude to make the lady wait any longer and even denser-than-a-rock Mizoe was not blind to that...

He leaned forward and Rokina leaned up to meet his lips.

Without any more time to think, Mizoe picked the safest and most obvious option – just a normal kiss like doing the rehearsals...

He was ready for a good normal prudent kiss, one that a married couple sitting on the bench in the park wouldn\'t be ashamed of.

Yes. A perfectly normal not embarrassing kiss.

The pale-blue-haired man wanted to show everyone that he and his wife were upstanding people with high morals and...!


But it turned out that the bride had different plans than the groom...

As soon as their lips connected she wrapped her arms around Mizoe\'s neck, locking him in a tight embrace, and pushed her tongue inside his mouth and intertwined it with his.


Mizoe panicked and not knowing what to do with his hands he finally settled on resting them on Rokiana\'s shoulders.

Pulling away was not really in the realm of possibility right now and he actually wasn\'t the type to just passively receive what was given to him, so he indeed returned the kiss with equal passion.


...which was very much welcomed by Rokiana, satisfied with her groom\'s eagerness...

Some of the less experienced ladies present at the ceremony bashfully turned their heads away but continued to discreetly peek.

Older couples smiled with understanding.

After a few more words from the priest, the ceremony was concluded, and the only thing left was the reception.

It was truly a splendid party.

Nothing of importance was said or done, but it was a happy time.

A welcomed breather before what was about to happen.


"Lord Banemor. Before you go..."


Zoemi was about to step through the portal made by one of his sentinels but was stopped by Devios, Rokaina\'s younger brother whom he already met during the tournament...

"Considering the power you have at your disposal, you will be called to fulfill your obligation towards the crown – in that case, why not act first and announce that you will help the Perserios family in dealing with the barbarians?"

The younger boy asked, straightening his back and bracing himself as if expecting a refusal or straight up scolding for even saying something like that.

|...a crown might what now...? Why?|

That was what Zoemi thought...

"Sure thing, I will help out my new family whenever they need me."

...was what he said out loud without hesitation.

"Is that okay?! Then, I will make all the necessary preparations for the announcement to be made! Leave it all to me!"

"Sure. See you around, uncle? Step-uncle? Devios - I\'ll just go with that. See you around, Devios."

The heir of the Perserios family smiled brightly and bowed towards Zoemi gratefully, to which Zoemi responded lightheartedly, before stepping into his portal, and returning to the Academy.

"...I wonder what obligation did he mean...? Well, that\'s not important, I will help my friends out if they ever need me anyway~"

The black-haired boy hummed to himself and went straight to the bathroom in his dormitory to take a shower after the fun night.

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