Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 226 - Deep Pure Hatred

"Found you~" Said the boy with a playful tone 

The whole room was silent, everyone remained petrified in fear. They were surrounded and on top of that. 

"So they\'ve come... John, get ready." 

She grabbed on to her wand and began thinking of a way to deal with them as she hid her weapon. 

"John, let\'s... John?" 

Serena stopped as she looked over at John, he wasn\'t moving and simply stared straight at the boy in front of him. 

Darkness began to surround the two as the expression of rage was displayed all the way across John\'s face. 

"John...? Hey, what\'s wro-" 

Serena was interrupted by John who suddenly clenched his fist and muttered 

"You... You\'re..." 

"Hm? Has the king awakened, or... Maybe you know me?" The boy asked with an excited look 

There was no way John could forget. He had never met the boy before, but that face, that feeling, and the rage from that time. They were all the same as the one he felt in the premonition he had gotten. 

[He\'s the guy... That hurt them... So badly that they could barely breathe...] 

Even if it was just a vision that Zestari had showed him, john could still feel it. The dangerous pressure coming out of this guy, it was in a way similar to the guy from the 1st dungeon. 

Nonetheless, he couldn\'t understand why he was so aggravated from a vision which might not even happen. It wasn\'t just anger, but a feeling pure hate. 

His mind was starting to cloud itself 

The people cloaked in the shadows didn\'t move and simply awaited orders from the young boy. 

Serena quietly glanced at John before grabbing on to his hands. What he needed now was to calm down. His eyes were slowly being clouded in darkness and he was starting to lose control. 

If he did anything reckless now or if he really did lose control, and what happened in the dungeon were to happen again. Everyone standing in the room would be killed. That was the feeling Serena was getting. 

"So, how long are you going to keep me waiting? I asked you a question" Said the boy 

Suddenly, a noble male came out of the crowd before quickly walking towards the boy. 

He looked to be around 18 with darkish yellow hair and a rather big frame. He slowly walked up to the kid and the kid simply stared in his direction with an unamused look. 

Those who were cloaked on the shadows, showed no signs of movement as the man walked up to the boy. 

"Hey, kid, do you know who I am? You think this is some sort of jok-" 

"Move." Said the kid as he let out a yawn 

In that moment, without a single chant being said, the young man was not only impaled by dark spikes which formed on the air around him, but he was hit by a dark force which sent flying straight at the east wall. 


His lifeless corpses slid from the wall on to the ground, his body riddled with holes as it was stuck and submerged partly into the wall which had broken from the impact. 

For a moment there was nothing but silence, which was broken as the boy began walking towards John. 

Following that, there was panic, people began to scream in fear as they stared at the disfigured body of the person who was alive just a few seconds ago. 

As they began to push and shove and look for an entrance, the fear in them grew once they realised all the exits were blocked. 

Meanwhile, John just stood there with Serena in the middle of all the chaos. Serena\'s priority was to make sure John wouldn\'t go berserk, and contrary to her expectations, her holding on to his arm helped a lot. 

But she knew she wouldn\'t be able to protect them on her own, but she had to do something. 

As she looked over at her sacred treasure, she could feel it calling to her and, in that instant,, she was pushed by one of the nobles who was trying to shove himself out of the group. 

"Hey! Watch it!" Said Serena 

"Noisy, Kill them all, leave the king, and the important ones alive." Said the boy as he suddenly stopped a few meters away from the front of the group. 

The moment he said that, The people who wore cloaks charged straight at them. All at once. Some carried weapons while others chanted, but regardless of the method. They were about to unleash an all out attack. 

But suddenly, they were all stopped by an invisible force, as they reached the same distance away from the group as the young boy had. 

They couldn\'t move any closer, and it was then that a man spoke up from the top of the stair case. 

"So you actually came... Oh, how I\'ve waited for this day... The day when I could get my revenge... Apologise... APOLOGISE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER!!!" The duke suddenly shouted 

The smile on his face had completely disappeared and only an angered expression could be seen on his face. 

"Who are you?" The boy asked with a confused look 

Hearing, this, the duke placed his palm on his face as he started to laugh. Everyone watched as he slowly went mad. 

"You don\'t remember huh... I see... Then, i\'ll just make you. RICHART!!!" 

In that instant, a bright glow came from the west entrance, lighting up and dispersing all the darkness around it. 

From there, came a familiar face which Serena recognised. Short silky blue hair and blue eyes. It wasn\'t azure but a man who looked very similar if not for the face structure and eyes. 

It was Mr. Richart. As he entered the room, he swung his glowing sword throughout the room and a sharp beam of light was let out, cutting through parts of the darkness in the area. 

"Sorry if I\'m late." 

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