Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 322 - John's Death.

"Can\'t you just use a healing spell?!" Hexo asked

"I-I Can\'t… H-His heart… It… Stopped…" Muttered Satire

The instant the word stopped was mentioned, everyone had felt like they had taken a punch to the liver. Hexo wasn\'t buying any of it.

"W-What are you talking about? Satire, this is bro we\'re talking about… He soloed a dragon in it\'s true form… Do you know how many people could do that?" Hexo asked

"Hexo, check it yourself. His heart, has stopped." Said The guild master after placing his hands on John\'s wrist.

Hexo couldn\'t believe it, he didn\'t want to believe it. He was hesitant to check, but had no other choice.

He placed his hand on John\'s wrist and placed his head above his heart, using his superhuman senses to see if he could hear something.

*…* *…* *…*

Nothing. Not a single heart beat. 

"No way… He\'s… dead…?"


In the middle of a popular continent, a young lady could be seen gearing up. She had just gotten out of the showers and had finally gotten dressed. 

She placed her golden white wand in the sheathe tied to her leggings, and placed a large book before looking at her reflection on the mirror ahead of her.

Moderately long silky silver hair and deep silver eyes. A large witch hat which sat on top of her hair, hiding her ears. She wore shorts which were easy to move in along with a shirt and a cloak over it.

She walked out of her room, and noticed a young lady dressed in a maids outfit, sweeping with a broom through the corridor. Long pink hair tied back into a bun with sweet pink eyes. 

Once she saw that the young lady had left her room, she quickly stopped what she was doing before greeting her.

"Young mistress, good morning." Said the maid as she bowed.

"Good morning, Lydia. And I told you to stop calling me that, just my name is fine." Replied the young lady

"I must apologise, but that would be imprudent. I am working for you, after all." Lydia replied

Upon hearing this, the young lady frowned before eventually letting out a sigh.

"If you say so… Where are the kids?" She asked

"They\'re currently sleeping in their rooms." 

"Tell them I said good morning when they wake up." 

"As you wish." Replied Lydia before she bowed 

Upon seeing that everything was prepared, she quickly set off, leaving her small house  as she did so.

"I\'m off." 

"Have a safe trip." 

As she opened the doors and stepped onto her front porch, she could see a young man, around his early twenties, standing on her front yard.

Long purple hair with blue eyes. He was tall and wore a cloak covering both his frame and possessions, however the long detailed staff on his back stood out, defeating the whole point of a wearing magician wearing a cloak. 

She closed her door and walked down the stairs of her porch. Walking right past the young man and ignoring him as she did so.

"Ignoring me? That\'s harsh even for you, S-Rank adventurer, Golden Empress Of Flames. Or should I say, Serena."

"Be quiet-"

The instant she finished her sentence, Serena quickly back, facing the direction of the house, before placing her hand over her chest.

There was no one around except for them and a large field, so why was it that she felt that feeling?

"Hm? What\'s wrong?" He asked as he stood beside her and stared in the same direction.

"Nothing…" Serena muttered before shaking her head and turning around.

Serena walked on with her mind focused on what she had just felt. Even though it was for a brief moment, she was certain of the feeling.

\'Why did I get such a sad feeling, just now…?\'


John opened his eyes only to find himself paralyzed and glued to the dark floor beneath him.

Darkness everywhere he looked, he couldn\'t see anything aside from his own body which somehow stood out from the dark despite there being no light.

As he struggled to move, a figure was suddenly formed in front of him. A dark shadowy figure with no body and a strange humanoid shape. It\'s back was turned to John and it seemed to be watching something in the ceiling but John couldn\'t see it.

"Hm, I didn\'t think you\'d be back so soon, how long has it been since last time?"

John didn\'t reply and continued to struggle to get out of the bind and paralysis, but no matter how hard he struggled, his body wouldn\'t respond.

"Struggling is useless. More importantly, I have an offer." Said the demon

"When did you become so professional?" John asked as he managed to form a middle finger with his right hand and pointed it at the demon.

The demon turned to John before crouching down beside him.

"It\'s been two minutes since your heart stopped. At this rate, you\'ll really die. Or not, you have demon blood and useless angel blood in you, after all." Said the demon

He then moved in closer to John\'s ears and whispered

"However, you\'re still human, are you sure you want to test that theory?"

Upon hearing this, John froze. This reaction was expected, no one would want to die. Between choosing to lose a life or stay alive, the natural decision would be to stay alive.

The demon was taking advantage of this unexpected opportunity to persuade John.

"Hey… You\'ve given me a lot of trouble in the past, but I\'m willing to forget that… I\'ll help you, in exchange for a new contract. How does that-"

Before the demon could finish he was interrupted by john who gave a blunt "No."

Visibly irritated, the demon decided to let out a sigh and calmly ask. "Why not?" 

"The contract won\'t change. You\'ll be stuck in here for as long as you\'re needed. Then after that, I\'ll send you back to the underworld where you came from.

The underworld, or so it was called by many, others called it hell. The number of people who knew that it truly existed were few. In fairy tales, it\'s explained that it is a place which is

  home to demons. John had only recently discovered of it\'s existence, and it was this demon\'s home. If he went back there, he would probably get everything he wanted and get revenge on John.

"John, I know you\'re smarter than this, we can-"

"I\'m not repeating myself."

John had realized that the only way to deal with this demon was by not showing any weakness. It fed and grew stronger through his fear which is why it simulated a memory from the past in John\'s mind before.

"Very well… I warned you, now I\'d like to see how you\'ll survive in this situation." Said the demon

"If I\'m going to die, I\'m taking you with me." Said John as he glared at the demon

A dark cold grin could be seen formed on the shadow\'s face as it suddenly vanished before appearing right beside John and pushing his head onto the floor. 

"Don\'t get too cocky, brat." Said the demon as it let off some blood lust and anger. It\'s power was no joke.

He was the complete opposite of Zestari. Filled to the brim with darkness. Even John wouldn\'t know what would happen if he released him into the public again.

For a moment, there was nothing but silence, until.

"Hey… John, why do you think you lost both Serena and Ari-"

The instant the word Serena was mentioned. John\'s eyes widened glaring straight at the dark spirit with hateful eyes. An immense amount of blood lust was being released as this happen. Darkness began to cloud John\'s eyes as this happened.

"Oh, so that\'s your land mine. No point in getting mad at me, that only makes me stronger, you know." Said the dark spirit as it pushed John further into the floor.

Or at least it thought it did. John wouldn\'t budge. John\'s right hand then grabbed onto the spirit\'s hand before it began to glow a bright yellow color.

Upon seeing this, the spirit quickly let go of John before vanishing and reappearing a few meters away from John.

As this happened, John got up. He looked the dark spirit dead in the eye as he said. 

"Say either of their names again. I\'ll give you hell for each letter on their name." Said John as he continued to glare at the spirit.

"Haha, relax, It was just a question." Said the dark spirit as it walked up to John. It placed it\'s hand on his shoulder, unafraid of John\'s right glowing hand.

"Don\'t forget you\'re in my territory now. Zestari can\'t save you here anymore. Unless you want her to die-"

A sharp fast right hook, landing perfectly on the side of the demon\'s face. Sending him flying to the side.

He then appeared behind John, complaining about the pain.

"I can\'t say that too? Damn you\'re picky." 

John turned around and noticed that the side of it\'s face was letting off steam. He definitely injured it.

"Don\'t you want to know the answer? Why you lost everything important to you?"

John leapt at the demon, sending another straight Punch at it, only to end up hitting thin air as the demon vanished.

"It\'s simple." It\'s voice came from behind John. John quickly turned his head only to be staring face to face with the demon.. "Because you\'re weak." The demon added

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