So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 159: Replicating the War Spirit

Chapter 159: Replicating the War Spirit

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

An oppressive aura surged, as the two-meter-high burly figure suddenly burst in front of Li Xianyu and attempted to deal a blow.

Li Xianyu knew he had been regarded as a pushover. An S-class master could easily sense the strength of the crowd. In the siege of all sides, it is reasonable to choose the weakest part to breach.

It was the first time Li Xianyu as standing up to an S-level master in his normal state. He crouched down, clenched his left fist, and his entire arm expanded and became several centimeters thick. It ripped his jacket and scarlet blood vessels shone in the dark.

Instead of avoiding, he growled lowly and summoned all his qi, striking his fist against the giant bear’s fist which was as big as a pot. As the fists clashed against each other, the qi collision turned into ripples, and the nearby cherry trees shook violently.

Li Xianyu staggered back, and each step made a deep hole in the ground. His left arm was intact, but the force of the bear spirit’s fist passed through his arms, passing through layers, and the force finally blew apart at his shoulder blade, where the flesh and blood were blown apart together with the bones.

The pupils of the Liu and Hu family members contracted. How could the bear spirit be so powerful?

The Li family descendant was a master who had fought the God of War and the Demonic Priest’s inheritor to a standstill, but was injured by the bear spirit in a hasty confrontation.

Was this beast from Daxing Anling so powerful? The four powerful fighters from the two families were stunned and wary.

At this time, the Li family descendant said nonchalantly, “That’s all it got. I used 40% of my power and fought it to a standstill. It’s not worth getting serious. Great-Grandma, it’s your turn to play with it.” He shrugged nonchalantly, not paying attention to his injuries.

The sounds of bone regeneration rang, and as the blood and flesh wriggled, the terrifying wounds quickly healed. He had a good reason not to mind, because such a small wound could not shake him.

For a moment, the four top players of the Liu and Hu families were greatly energized, and no longer afraid of the bear spirit.

With the Li family descendant and the Unparalleled War Spirit, how could a mere bear spirit create a storm? We have overestimated it.

When Li Xianyu shouted, “Great-Grandma,” she had already charged towards the bear. She leapt into the air and swept a ferocious kick. The bear spirit held up its arm and blocked it, but was swept out by Great-Grandma. Before it could land, Thunderbolt Battle Lady had appeared behind it, and the short blade in her hand directly stabbed the bear spirit in its heart.

Great-Grandma rarely used qi during combat, relying on the rich experience of actual combat and her immensely strong war spirit physique to match the enemy, so as to minimize the consumption of her great-grandson’s qi.

Seeing the bear spirit slowly succumbing to the siege, Li Xianyu quietly retreated and tears of pain almost flowed.

Oh my God, the combat power of an S-class is no joke. It really hurts. But was the bear spirit really an S-class? With that move, if it was the God of War or the God of Apes, they could blow up half of his body.

Li Xianyu has little knowledge of high-end combat power, but he had not given much thought to it despite his doubts. He had an old-fashioned sword made of sour vegetables in his mouth. Cooperating with Kato Eagle, he harassed and attacked the bear spirit.

Kato Eagle’s steel balls aimed at the eyes, throat and joints of the bear spirit. Although most of the steel balls were blocked or avoided by the bear spirit, a small number of steel balls still hit it successfully. Although it caused little damage, they could restrain the bear spirit well and provide opportunities for them.

This battle is too serious... Li Xianyu finally seized the opportunity, and with a sharp sword aura from his mouth, he burst out, “Let your balls face the strong wind!”

It seemed that the bear spirit hadn’t come across such an attack, and was clearly caught off guard. Both of them were close, and with this slip up, the sword aura has already pierced it’s crotch. The sound of something piercing through the flesh rang clearly.

Lady Killer’s eyes lit up, thinking it was an opportunity. Holding a short knife, he lunged but was hit by the bear spirit’s paw. He flew towards Li Xianyu, who reached out to catch him. Both of them rolled off into the distance.

“Something’s wrong.” Li Xianyu was in disbelief. “It could tolerate being hit in the balls? Is it a deity?” By contrast, his will was weak as an ant, as he would roll on the ground in pain after being hit in the balls.

Lady Killer spat out blood. “My superpowers didn’t work on it, but even if it didn’t have much effect, it wouldn’t be completely immune. Something’s wrong.”

“Take a look, it’s got a lot of wounds, but it’s not bleeding,” he added. It was only then that Li Xianyu noticed that the bear spirit had been under siege by a number of powerful combatants and had been injured in several places, but the blood from the wound was thick and black, which was very strange.

“It’s even stranger that he didn’t escape. With high odds of defeat, all creatures will have the instinct to escape. Instead of running away, however, it showed a fierce and fearless aggressiveness. Although it is a wild beast, this doesn’t make sense,” Lady Killer elaborated.

The two men were talking when they suddenly hearing a muffled groan. Kato Eagle’s steel ball successfully shot into the bear spirit’s right eye and destroyed it’s eye.

Great-Grandma grabbed the opportunity, and she flew up and kicked straight, right in the bear spirit’s face. With a whoosh, something seemed to shoot out of the bear spirit’s head, into the soil not far away.

The bear spirit stiffened, as it seemed to lose all its strength and suddenly crashed to the ground.

Liu Mei sashayed over and approached carefully. After observing for a moment, she breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s dead.” She frowned and complained, “It’s at least an S-class, right? How weak.”

Their first goal was to capture the bear spirit, and they even brought equipment that could suppress demon descendants. They wanted to capture it after it was half-dead.

“It’s long dead,” Great-Grandma said.

“What?” Everyone was shocked.

“The S-class you’re talking about, was also known as the Master in my era. Masters are not so easy to deal with. Also, didn’t y’all realize? This guy never used superpowers.” Great-Grandma said, “Of course a dead man... A dead bear can’t use superpowers.”

“But if it was dead, what was fighting us then?” Hu Jun frowned.

Thunderbolt Battle Lady walked over quietly, pulled something out of the soil, and said solemnly, “Before we discuss this matter, let’s look at this.” She lifted up what she had on her hand. It was a yellow, brilliant copper nail with complex runes engraved on it.

“This is it.” Liu Mei’s expression changed. “The owner’s vital part was sealed with this and he was killed in a blow.”

The Hu couple looked at each other in horror. “Why was this object found in the bear spirit? Did someone kill it earlier? That doesn’t make sense. If so, how did it fight us to that degree?”

When Great-Grandma saw the nail, she froze. With a wave of her hand, the nail flew into her palm. She gazed at it, and her expression turned grave.

“What’s going on, Great-Grandma?”

“I know these runes.” Great-Grandma said something that struck the crowd like lightning, “They were part of the spell array that has made me into a war spirit.” The message had such shocking implications that nobody spoke for a long time.

Thunderbolt Battle Lady’s expression was solemn. She felt around on the bear spirit’s muscular physique, pulling out identical copper nails from the back, core, chest and several other areas. There was a total of 19 nails.

“These nails belong to the Wu family, right?” King Kong winced in pain, as if he had a toothache. “What does the Wu family want?”

“It’s obvious. The Wu family wants to cultivate a war spirit.” Lady Killer’s eyes widened.

“No wonder the bear spirit can still fight with us when he’s dead. It’s already a war spirit, which means the Wu family has succeeded.” Li Xianyu glanced towards Great-Grandma.

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